
BlackMoo said:
Death will meet us all someday. It may not be today or tommorow. But someday.

As the saying goes: "You can be a millionaire or a roadsweeper, Everybody dances with the grim reaper"
so what happens when cats die? when dogs die? when horses die? when plants die? when birds die? when ants die?
ants dont think..their controlled by e queen ^^

but to me..i dun think life and death is a one way train ride..more of a viscious we die..come back as something else... :twisted:
"Today could be the best day,
Today could be the worst day,
Today could be the last day of your life"

Heres a question.

You're in a fatal accident. Your skin is burned badly, you've lost both arms and a leg, and you're blind. Would you rather die or adapt to living like that??

Personally I think the most painful way to die is being burned alive, it wont be as quick as drowning I think.
hmmm..if you r in a FATAL accident,it would be FATAL rite?i mean FATAL means deadly lets say i were to have survived but end up in that sorry state you have mentioned,it would b hard to carry on living because might as well i m better off dead rite? but God doesnt want to take away my life for whatever reason so there is nothing i can do but be least theorically..cos its easier said than done ah..

i think being burned alive and drowning can have the same effect in terms of the pain factor but of different kind ah..anyway,death is painful nonetheless cos your soul,based on what i learnt,will be ripped off by the Death Angel so any kind of death you still have to suffer to a certain extent ah..
I would rather die than live like that.

And I'd rather drown than be burnt alive.. Ouch.

However, I'd rather die at my prime than wait till I'm old, wrinkly, senile and dying of illnesses.
immolation would be the absolute fvcking worst man.
best way to die would be during an orgasm. So when I think I'm old and ready to go, I'll just stock up on the viagra. and I'll check my username to just that. Lol.

the dude above raises a good point, what happens to plants and animals when they die? Why must humans necessarily go somewhere else?
and more interestingly, why were you born a human and not an insect or a stray dog? all living things wat. why you so lucky.
it doesn't matter where he got it from. All theories are equally plausible, or implausible. There is no definitive 'book' or philosophy.
Vaiyen said:
now's the time for people to extrapolate and come up with weirdass theories!

Wah sei, your engrand a beet the cheem sia.

I have a theory.

When you die, you become a pile of compost. :lol:
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
We are all part of the same compost heap.
We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world."

sounds familiar anyone?