Dear Mr Bitter Liberty - Pls dont devalue local musicians!!

gargle, bigtokes, embryo, how? Oktoberfest started for a while. The beer is calling out to me... Time is better and more constructively spent drinking lah. Edwin aka the "pedal effect guy" is on lah. Let me know.

1. Rent the venue.
2. Get the bands.
3. Rent the equipment
4. Get a Public Entertainment License
5. Do the gig

Here's some numbers:

Rental of Venue e.g Substation
$760 for 8 hours (not including a refundable $150 security deposit)

Rental of Sound e.g Lee Kwong Seng Music
approx. $1000

Payment to bands, $20 each e.g 12 bands

total: $2000

This is what the NUS OMS usually spends to hold Stasis every year. Sometimes we make enough to cover, usually we don't unless we have a cash sponsor. I'm sure there's least 40 people in this forum willing to chip in $50. Talk is cheap, lets see something done :)
embryo...u still got the stewart mcdonald sheilding paint i sold U? Need to pinjam a bit to shield a new 2nd hand squier I

Just my fair share of experience to you guys...anyways my band pulled out of the bitterliberty gigs due to their money issues and stuff..straight from day 1 when we auditioned for them, money was involved.

We've played over 20 gigs, mostly free, some which pays us.Don't get me wrong here,we are open to free or paying gigs. .As long as you get the exposure rite?

From our audition day, we were told to pay a sum of money, for us to register our band name in BitterLiberty's list which wld get you future updates for gigs and information...but to this day, NO such information, and no e-mails either. You can say u just paid that amount of money to the guy for nothing. And imagine how many bands audition for one gig? I'm sure judging by the amount of replies he gets a lot of bands. And out of those auditioned, only a selected few gets selected. ( wallet gets fatter stage 1 )

The selected bands will then have to bring a COMPULSORY 25 guests, at a ticket cost of $20 bux??? ( wallet gets fatter stage 2 )

I mean, that's like one of the most highest entry rate for a local gig if not THE highest. I've been to Gigs at Rouge and I don't even pay that much sometimes...And the music's good.

Up to this date we have receieved no information or anything. And seeing the threads on how bitterliberty is not responding again is all too familiar. I don't mind playing for gigs which don't pay bands. But take into account, $ to audition ( for the unfortunate bands not selected, thats the last you'll hear of him), $ to play...

It's just not right... :?
hm...i just called up bitterliberty; he said it's been postponed till next year because they're having trouble with the location. but he assured me it'll be a blast.


nobody's paid anything yet for this gig right? i hope nobody's had to pay anything so far. i'm starting to feel a little dubious about this. my band is considering pulling out. i think most bands don't need this sort of stress just to get a gig.
ooo. what a great scammer this guy is. let us all learn from our mistakes and heed the advice of the older and more experienced board members ( aka 3notesabar etc etc ) i feel sorry for those bands who were conned :?
lowdown said:
Up to this date we have receieved no information or anything. And seeing the threads on how bitterliberty is not responding again is all too familiar. I don't mind playing for gigs which don't pay bands. But take into account, $ to audition ( for the unfortunate bands not selected, thats the last you'll hear of him), $ to play...

It's just not right... :?

If this happens again I really think some action should be taken.
Dear Mr Bitterliberty,

I guess everyone is waiting for you to respond to the questions I posted in the other thread under gigs.

Don't let the bands doubt you further by taking a long time. They'll probably think that you have to craft your response.
Rumour has it that Mr Bitterliberty has left the country and living under a false identity in another solar system, where internet access is quite limited.
Credibility & reputation is to be earned by long term hardwork and sacrifice. Not something which is self-proclaimed.

Although I am just a bystander, I can sense something amiss from the way the postings & claims been made by the organiser, in the initial treads. By not stepping up to accusation, I guess it's a clear signal to all participating bands to make their decision based on what has happened so far.

If there are any bands which has suffered injustice, by way of wasted time or effort or even monetary. You are justified to lay down your claims in your own name and capacity.

But I feel that there are quite a few others, who are also just bystanders, who on seeing 'flying mud and rotten eggs', has convieniently joined in the 'Mud Slinging Fest'.
I do not think that this is fair, as there is another side of the story not told. We must be impartial and just, to all parties involved.

Whatever has happened, by adding fuel to the flame, other events (hint) organisers are also affected too. Every small displeasure is blown out of proportion, by involved and non-involved parties.
wow.... the tickets is $20 and he expect the bands to sell 25 tickets...... that means a confirm $625 for one band called.... if he call ten bands it would be $6250. for that money i can do a big gigs. a two woodstocks kinda events.... smaller scales ofcause. :P still is up to the bands whether they think is worth to play for him. if people are willing to pay this kinda money, i'm willing to organise a gigs for the bands plus a complilation CD being distribute on the gigs itself. :) i do think if it's enuff to cover my cost, i would be more then happy to do it. :)