Damn still cant sweep pick.....


New member
Any of you guys can show me youtube video or teach me some slow sweep picking skills for me to catch??Coz i really am to it....Thankz PRO sss
Take the broom and sweep the guitar.

that isnt helpfull man.

Faizalhacker: the only sweep pick vids i watched before is the one from herman li, and alexi laiho. to sweep pick, one must start SLOW......Maybe the other softies can help.
Any of you guys can show me youtube video or teach me some slow sweep picking skills for me to catch??Coz i really am to it....Thankz PRO sss

Dude.. If my knowledge is correct, you recently started playing guitar..
Now sweep picking is something advanced and would take years for one to master..
Before you go to more advanced techniques, you should clean up your playing first..
Now sweep picking is something advanced and would take years for one to master..

don't scare the kid, it'll only take you around 1 year to learn to sweep pick. Maybe longer if you alternate instead of economy pick. yes, its easier to learn sweep picking if you've been doing economy picking.
I recall a certain Mattias Eklundh. Monster guitar player... immensely creative, unique sound.

He can't do your... typical sweeps. He can't do those typical neoclassical monster 6 string sweeps... and he also got frustrated with it.

Till he decided, heck, he's just going to do what he is comfortable with and not be bogged down with what others do.

There is no standard in technique - you don't need to excel at all techniques - and you should not feel any lesser.

If its practice you lack - then sure, practice, lots of material online.

But if you have been trying so long, working so hard, and to little progress... time to rethink your strengths and possible weaknesses.

Btw, this is how Mattias "sweeps".
GODSPEED,yes im the one who just bought electric guitar a month ago..actually i have my songs in mind that i want to master...A7X-BAT COUNTRY(the sweep picking part during the solo..) and a7x-Scream(from latest album)........althought i know some of you pro guitarist says that those songs were easy...
you mean the harmonized part?actually its better to alternte pick cause syn skip strings.
Yup,Sweep picking takes time.Practise on the chromatic progression>broken chords>etc...
Your finger distance between the strings shld be as low as possible.Coordination is important do it slowly & later you'll see the result.You may encounter some accidential/unneccessary notes tat may me heard.Best of all practise it w/o using any distortion/OD wif a metronome as you'll noe wat is your mistake & play it clean/clear.
Try to listen to Vinnie Moore(clean player),Cacophony(got 2 sync.guitarist) &YJM(speed demond).They use extensive sweeppicking & might blown you away
REMEMBER!!!! start practising from slowly tempo/beat.
Good Luck

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