Craftsman GS200 LP type

Ryuworks said:
now.... Just in case you are mixing the ESP guitars with the Edwards guitars, the ESP guitars use much better wood, much better spare parts, and boast of much better worksmanship than a LTD, which is Indonesian made with low quality wood and materials, and the price difference is around 4.5k per axe? Edwards are mass produced Japanese ones, which are still much better than LTDs....


Thanks for the additional info provided :) Btw, jus wanna check also, is Grassroots under ESP?
grassroots is under ESP too

Not all LTDs are made in Indonesia tho, the higher end models like 300/400 and deluxe series are made in Korea.

Majority of the LTDs are sold in US tho, with their no shipping outside US policy, and just a few in Japan. And vice versa for Edwards, Japan has the bulk of em and almost none in the US.
Clarification time

So just to clarify, ESP is made in US, while Edwards is also an ESP made in Japan & LTD is made in Indonesia (while some are US produced rite?)...
i'll be confirming my buy this coming sat maybe...
any last suggestions people?
my budget for a new les paul copy around 400.. can raise somemore.. to 500 if necess...

I'm currently only looking at J&D(280+) or Craftsman(320+)..
I personally recommend the aria pro-std. Its a good les paul copy.IMHO Sound is much better than craftsman and j& will cost you arnd 450?or less? After that...jus change the pups to seymour duncans if ya are unhappy with will sound close enough to a les paul.And its beatiful guitar.Get the black beauty.its available at penin.
Re: Clarification time

neuro182 said:
So just to clarify, ESP is made in US, while Edwards is also an ESP made in Japan & LTD is made in Indonesia (while some are US produced rite?)...
Hmmm.... Sounds like you are going the totally wrong way here.

ESP is a Japanese brand and Japanese make.

ESP guitars are Japanese custom-crafted guitars, which are produced by the best ESP builders from their own academy, in their best quality work and all parts are sourced from very high quality stuff. Many ESPs are just made only when ordered in the case of Japan. ESP guitars are all ESP original designs.

Navigator guitars are the same as above, cept that the designs are all of classic remakes, in particularly strat copies, LP copies and the likes.

Edwards are ESP's Japanese mass produced guitars with slightly inferior materials and parts but still very high quality production.

LTD guitars are just non-Japanese made ESP designs, the higher end ones in Korea and the lower end ones in Indonesia. Generally of poorer quality than the above lines. Extremely few are available in Japan.

Grassroots guitars are ESP's beginners' range in Japan, most(or all) of them made outside Japan with mass production and inferior parts.

ESP stands for Electric Sound Products. They were originally a custom shop for electric guitars before they started their own business by making original designs 30 years ago.

LTD just stands for Limited, probably implying that the quality and production-wise the effort spent is limited, and not as much as the ESPs? Hahaha.

For more information go to don't go to the usa site.
Rockstars-Inc said:
I personally recommend the aria pro-std. Its a good les paul copy.IMHO Sound is much better than craftsman and j& will cost you arnd 450?or less? After that...jus change the pups to seymour duncans if ya are unhappy with will sound close enough to a les paul.And its beatiful guitar.Get the black beauty.its available at penin.
I'm not very sure but Aria Pro Std costs 450 at penin? which shop? Davis? If you are refering to the Aria LP copies at ranking and the excelsior branch, for ranking it costs only around 350.....
errm i used to own a aria pro strat...
err super bad experience... the guitar ermm was terrible... hahaha
but of course it was a cheap one...

i prefer my guitar some what yellow colour.. haha. dont like black
oh forgot to ask you guys something,.
les paul necks are thicker than strats right???
somehow my friend's strat seem to have a thinner neck..
or is it just me?
ermm i've got a question people... what you all think of the epiphone special II??? does it perform well? any opinions?
Savage said:
ermm i've got a question people... what you all think of the epiphone special II??? does it perform well? any opinions?

if i were you, i'd give the Epi a miss, save a little more & consider the LTD EC-50 ($585) instead. a wonderful first time guitar, plays real well, sounds very acceptable.

Yeah.. If I were you.. I would choose the LTD EC-50.. I heard that epiphone are made in China.. Hmm.. Well.. who knows rite?? Hahaha..

P.S : ESP/LTD Guitar Rulez!!!!!!!! :D :D
yeah. i also read up on it and realised its from indonesia ...
but anyway, i'm not a pro or anything.. as long as it plays well in my hands, i can't tell the difference. then its ok with me.. made in where never mind one...
then when i can start to tel the difference, i will change the pickups or something...
but seirously, can someone tell me something about the epi special II?
i was looking at it. but i didn't like its looks actually.. no pickguard, 2 knobs only. and the neck not nice looking .hahaha...
so i dunno about the sound
thanks all for your opinions.
I've finally bought my guitar..
got a craftsman GS200 instead in the end. it sounds good and feels good..i'm happy with it for now. :)
also bought a AX10G to play around with :)
Savage said:
thanks all for your opinions.
I've finally bought my guitar..
got a craftsman GS200 instead in the end. it sounds good and feels good..i'm happy with it for now. :)
also bought a AX10G to play around with :)

cool! post some pics and where u got it for how much?
Got the craftsman at 324.. from citymusic...
then got the AX10G at 228 from luther. didn't buy from city coz they never include the AC adaptor. hahaha... didn't want to go buy one... so got from luther since they included one..

ermm i dont have a camera that i can use to take photos... maybe after I find one. :)