craftsman FJ105 ? begainner bass ? help~

I am a begainer and new to this forum. i hope you guys could help me out. this bass, craftsman FJ105, is it good ? .. i heard it is a 5 sting. any reviews ? any owners ? .. wat bout the pricing ? .. :confused::confused::confused:


anyways, begainer bass, wat do u guys recommend ?
hi there, welcome aboard!

yes, the FJ105 is a 5-string. if you are just starting out, a 4-string would be recommended instead. there's no harm owning a 5-string though but in general, it has a weak after-market appeal unless it's of some repuatation.

on that note, check out the following basses whicah can be had for <$300 (new) & are great for starters:

*Samick: Fairlane (recommended)

*SX: SPB-62K

*Timbre: PB-800 (recommended)
IMHO getting a 4-stringer as a first bass is ideal. nothing wrong with getting a 5 (or 6 for that matter) stringer as a first bass, but when you are just starting out you would want something less challenging lest your interest fizzle out. it's better to start with something with a gentler learning curve so you can develop a slow-burning passion for the instrument. and you might end up playing the bass for years, but never see the need for the extra strings :cool:

secondly, i'm not trying to imply anything about or generalise the standard of workmanship of entry-level basses, but do check out the build quality of the instrument, or get a friend with experience to help you pick out a good bass. it would be foolish, to say the least, to have complete faith in a manufacturer's QC regardless of the brand
thanks for the reply, but do u have any ideal which shop i can go to find the samick fairland or the timbre PD-800 ?

the differences of a 5 stringer and a 4 stringer is just that the 5 one has a extra string rite ? .. can if be there as a thumb rest :P.. lOL ..