Confirmed Cancelled Caliban Show in Singapore

Usually these smaller metal bands aren't so high maintenance and don't demand alot. So for them to cancel this says alot about the organizers :D
Sigh, I see the caliban's poster. So unprofessional, putting big big, DUE TO ORGANIZER PROBLEM. Its like blaming the organizer directly. Be humble abit la..
I suspect organizer supposed to pay the band some advance on the artist fee then they expect the ticket sales will allow them to pay that, but because the response poor then no money to pay the band advance.
Sigh, I see the caliban's poster. So unprofessional, putting big big, DUE TO ORGANIZER PROBLEM. Its like blaming the organizer directly. Be humble abit la..

i got a strong feeling caliban's management is putting the ENTIRE blame on the organizer...anyway, roughly how much artiste fee(just artiste fee) would it cost to bring band like caliban, comeback or even anberlin? would sponsorships really help to make these shows happen...? from what i see, caliban show had no major sponsorship except sponsor from promusic which i think are sponsoring the equipments.
just too much work zero payback endless risk and losses tryg to do things like this here esp if ur an indie promoter..........still we soldier on for love of musick!!! yep thats just life and rock n roll maaaaan.............
Costs would vary, but i would expect that they would all be looking for artist fees in the region of USD15K landed fee (means they settle flights)
US15K ?!? wow...dats quite a sum...even if the organisers of caliban did sell their tix at 100 bucks a piece, i don think they will make enuff to pay that amount...anyway, i think bringing in bands is worth taking a risk like superprog says for the love of music...but i think, it must be CALCULATED risk...
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...anyway, roughly how much artiste fee(just artiste fee) would it cost to bring band like caliban, comeback or even anberlin? would sponsorships really help to make these shows happen...? from what i see, caliban show had no major sponsorship except sponsor from promusic which i think are sponsoring the equipments.

Artiste fees depends on who you are bringing in and how well known they are.. how long they have been around.. how many albums they have put out etc
I guessing a show like Copeland/Anberlin's, their artiste fee would be around 5 - 8k USD per band. A bigger band like Deathcab would cost around 40 - 50K USD. And i read somewhere that big lightshows like Muse... LAMC paid them couple of 100k USD.

Most sponsors offer "partnerships in kind" ie. sponsor equipment, sponsor venue, sponsor goodie bags at the door.. not exactly sponsoring money to help offset costs like artiste fees or hotels... plus in the end, the organiser would also have to give something back to the sponsor like logo/brand placement on all your advertising, complimentary tickets.. which would in the end eat into the revenue anyway... (ie 20 comp tickets given away means 20 tickets you could have gotten revenue from)

so yes and no.. sponsors can help make SOME shows happen... but only if it's worth their time and money. So we can't expect someone like Starhub to sponsor a niche genre gig that will only attract 300 peeps.
The shirts maybe fake/cheap , but it gets the attention of people? I think yes. People says its the thought that counts. :)

We all once buy cheap / fake goods. Cause no point buying if the fake looks real? Cause the brand is rich? HAHA!

then go buy fake cds of your fave bands. tell the world, i'm your number one fan. thought doesn't count. it's the action. if everyone thinks about saving the future by recycling, but not doing it, might as well, don't think about saving the earth. you want to know why it gets the attention of people? cos the people say, freaking cheapskate sh*t, must have bought that shirt at bugis or peninsula.
Never sell enough tickets is an organizer problem..

The organizer would have projected a turn out when they signed contract for the show.
A band can't tell how well their show would do in a country they have never been to before.
They will need the local promoter/organizer to let them know what the expected turn out is.

When the organizer gets it wrong that is a big problem
i understand every 1 feel sad abt the case anyway is over, and i get alot feetback frm most of my friends they told me that the org flyer just out wen they realize the price already $65. and that time alot ppl just talk abt w.o.j show not much ppl got keep track on this show even in w.o.j show no flyer at the door 4 this show.... not like caliban malaysia show we can see their flyer in dismember show for the tix seller. so for me is simple malaysia show and i hope ppl from here if u want ppl support pls do somethg that resonable w.o.j show till now almost 2 mth, early bird tix no more. this kind of case even AS I LAY DYING come oso die.
whatever it is, damage has been done. caliban fans all over the world who goes to their official website and who knows maybe even other bands like AILD will/may have a bad impression on the gig organisers/promoters in sg when they see what was written and the cancelled poster on their website...
it may leave an impression on other bands but hopefully it wont affect promoters trying to bring bands over in the future...just as long as the promoter are not dat tgag and friends team, i tink it should be fine...
an ouch comment for the organizers.

i still think the people or so-called "fans" here are in the wrong.

i would wanna stand up and clap to the organizes for what they have done anyway.
sincerely and not sarcastically. so yeah.
I'm not directly involved in the negotiations or organizing the show so will probably never know what exactly went down. Nor do I care as I think its none of my business so long as the organizer is not doing this show to rip people off.

Euphorica is right to applaud the organizers for having the guts to risk their money & reputation to do a show like this. Nothing else should matter to me as its irrelevant. They tried, they failed and hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and do a better show next time.

We should not be so judgemental and be so hasty to write people off. Do we all really know what happened? Doesn't mean what Caliban says on their website is the gospel truth.

For the record I don't know the organizers. I'm just an average Joe trying best to make ends meet and occasionally rocking out at a good gig.

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