Saying you prefer a genre is one thing, but faizal_rocks put it across more as a fact, than his opinion.
I have a friend who listens to nothing but hip hop. He lives and breathes it. Funnily enough he don't dress or talk like he belong in that genre. He He looks like a regular normal gut, a little nerdy with glasses and t-shirt and jeans, not the stupid fake bling blings and caps and all the yo yo yo's.
But yeah , he loves hip hop. Ask him to listen to something else... he just CANNOT feel for any of them. But ask him about the history and the scene and all the underground artists in the hip hop arena eg Aesop Rock, Talib Kweli, Jedi Mind Tricks, Army of the Pharoah, Immortal Technique, Jean Grey etc etc <---
(to Pathein, none geetarers here, heh :mrgreen
and he can give you the low downs of each one of 'em.
Give him a mic, he'll be able to spit as well. In fact, he was one of my so called trainers in writing rap.
My point is that, just as how my friend feel about his hip hop preference as the one and only, I can somehow understand what Faizal_rock is saying. There are just some people out there who just have these one-type of music preference thing going on. May be a put off for some of us, but all the more power to them.
Also, neither am I against technology as well. I started composing stuff using a computer so I'll be the worst hypocrite if I say that music made through technology is not real music. But because it's so easy nowadays, unwanted repercussions happens to the art form, inevitably. Somethings are just lost along the way, and we kinda lost touch some of the things that we should have kept. A pity really, but cannot be help. Because of that some just stick to what is easy, and gets stuck in that format. But the ones who explore beyond the technology would
usually have captured the art better. Probably one of the reasons why I took up an instrument is mainly to rediscover the art of music itself beyond the tech tools. No matter the technology, musicians will always look back to the roots.
But heck, still among the millions of bands and artiste now that can be easily accessed globally, only the very few stood out. Even among the dance/techno scene. Why? Some things just cannot be produced in ANY technology... like talent.