Chorus pedals

Regarding the flat switchcraft like right angle heads, MrMisse can do them for you. I've done a few for myself too.

The ones like number 4 in this pic right?

Ours made in china though, but seem to be working just as well. Maybe not as good if doing a lot of plugging/unplugging but haven't done any tests so can't be sure.
Guys, there are many variants out there but as far as I'm concerned IMHO the nicest chorus pedal I ever came across are;

1. BOSS CE1 (lush but big bulky and kinda noizy)
2. BOSS CE2 (lush but mono)
2. Digitech MultiVoice Chorus (very versatile from subtle to crazy thick)
3. TC Electronic (cleanest sounding lush chorus but blurdy expensive)
4. Boss Dimension D (really lush and surround effect but very rare these days)

As for angled connectors do check with Mr Misse and Blueark. I personally prefer the George L's though.
embryo said:
1. BOSS CE1 (lush but big bulky and kinda noizy)
2. BOSS CE2 (lush but mono)
2. Digitech MultiVoice Chorus (very versatile from subtle to crazy thick)
3. TC Electronic (cleanest sounding lush chorus but blurdy expensive)
4. Boss Dimension D (really lush and surround effect but very rare these days)

MUAHAHAHAHHAA!!! I have no. 2!!! Kank39! You see? :twisted:

Okay, that aside, Randolf, is the mod for the CE-2 something that is essential? In that it improves on every aspect of the pedal, like in the case of the CS-3?

Dimension Ds are ridiculously expensive when you can find them.
The CE2 mods are 2 types;
1. Increase the range for the Rate and Depth controls (I especially like the depth improvement and as for the rate...hmmm I'll let you decide if there's musicality use for this.

2. Improve the noise issue by reinstalling caps and resistors of similar values but with better tolerences and materials.

I've actually applied the same mod listed above for the CE3 and CH1. All sounds nice but the CE2 has a lil more of that subtle mojo within. :)

Dimension D is a really unusual design in that it's got that surround type of effect that's great for textural and soundscapey guitar parts. Used with a delay and volume knob swells and you'll sound like a million bucks! But then again these are really really rare to find these days. I do regret selling this off in the early 90's when I switched to rack mounts then.

ShredCow said:
embryo said:
1. BOSS CE1 (lush but big bulky and kinda noizy)
2. BOSS CE2 (lush but mono)
2. Digitech MultiVoice Chorus (very versatile from subtle to crazy thick)
3. TC Electronic (cleanest sounding lush chorus but blurdy expensive)
4. Boss Dimension D (really lush and surround effect but very rare these days)

MUAHAHAHAHHAA!!! I have no. 2!!! Kank39! You see? :twisted:

Okay, that aside, Randolf, is the mod for the CE-2 something that is essential? In that it improves on every aspect of the pedal, like in the case of the CS-3?

Dimension Ds are ridiculously expensive when you can find them.
Randolf, if you really want a Dimension D pedal.. there are chaps on TheGearPage selling them off. I think, 1 very minty one for 200USD. Interested? ;)

I might go for the No. 2 mod... hmmm...
Would you get a Cool Cat that's 6 years old but in reasonably good condition?

I'm seriously considering. Sigh.
ShredCow said:
MUAHAHAHAHHAA!!! I have no. 2!!! Kank39! You see? :twisted:

I know... I know... In fact, I've read enough to always have 4 to 5 CE2 in my ebay watchlist. :roll: I'm just restricting my spending nowadays. Don't want to overspend on such luxuries. However, I'm swaying a wee bit towards Jacques Meistersinger. That one looks and sounds nice and a new one would cost just a bit more than a CE2.

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