Chorus pedals

I've got Danelectro chorus in the cupboard....I used it on an acoustic gig a few times and it was ok but again, Marshall half stack at about 1/3 volume and I swear I could hear the surf from Australia.

Maybe I will save up and get the MXR...the phase is brilliant the only time you hear it is when you want to...
i use the boss dc-3 digital's VERY VERY 80s sounding, so if you like that kind of chorus sound you might wnat to think about it. i sound like pann from concave scream when it's on
How does the 9volt Danelectro Cool Cat compare to its 18volt counterpart? Is the 18v one better sounding?
gkinsingapore said:
I have an old Marshall supervibe...great chorus sounds BUT it's a noisy little bugger at decent volumes (out of the bedroom) so that kind of renders it useless.

Got GAS for the MXR chorus, the high pass filter is a clincher but the price is far from wife friendly, especially after I just added the EVH Phase 90 to the board (which is SUPERB). Looking for a great little chorus pedal around $1-150, not boss. Seems every time I go out with a Boss pedal I end up hunched over tryig to tweak it half the night. Something simple like the old CS2 would be perfect. Shame I gave my old one away about 3 years back (stupid)

Maybe the Ibanez CS9? Any Ideas?

hey man, if you're serious on getting, i have a first hand, mint condition BOSS CE-5 to let go, at $140. i bought it a few months back for 200+, it really served its purpose, cos its super versatile.. those lush warbly sounds, plus the 2 filters on it allow you to manipulate the deepness to some extent, if you're into the leslie sounds, you can pretty much get it, cos i was playing some SRV one night, and "cold shot" was the song i s was playing to, and it has the typical leslie sound, and i tweaked it here and there, and voila..
besides this, all i can say is that its very versatile, from light warbles, to deeeper ones, this pedal has got it. you interested? or for that, ANYONE interested? do drop me a PM if you are. (: or u could just reply. hmm
ok my two cents:

small clone is OK but personally prefer the Boss CE-2, and the Voodoo Labs Analog chorus. Very lush and expansive chorusing sounds.

why haven't i changed to a CE2 or VDL analog chorus? mainly cos I'm quite sick of chorus. but that's just me.

or why not just do a robert fripp and get chorus from neck bending. hurhur.
milkmesto! u go by many aliases i see, i love VR btw. i thought you had a martin guitar with some additional pickup that time at the unplugged session @ the esplanade? unlisted ar :p

neways, chorus sounds are pretty good la in quiet portions of songs i guess, thats for me, but the offer is still open!!! lol
lol, wrt to the small clone, and some reviews ive seen at harmonious central, and feedback from people who own the small clone, all i can say abt ehx gear is that you REALLY have to take good care of the hardware cos they break easily.

personally, i had GAS for the small clone for awhile, but i settled nicely for my ce5, so yeah.. ive never tested the h20 one tho, must make a point to go g77 to check it out!
IMHO between the Small Clone and the H20, i'd take the Small Clone anyday. I dunno about the fragile claims though, it seems to be very well built - i've been stomping on mine for years and it has yet to crap out on me.

I never really liked the H20 at all. Tried it a few times but really its nothing to write home about, IMHO
If reliability is a concern, do consider the CH1, which in my opinion is close to (but not as "good" as the small clone).
yikes! i must protest!! CH1 is nowhere similar to the Small Clone!! Comparing Apples and Oranges!! sorry dude, nothin personal, but I've owned a CH-1 longer than I've had my Small Clone and they definitely sound nothing alike. Small Clone is definitely lusher and deeper than the CH1.

If you must go the BOSS route, try looking for a CE-2. There's still a couple at wake me up music, last time i checked.
:) That's why I put "good" there. I can get a Nirvana chorused solo effect with a CH1. I also do know that lots of people prefer a Small Clone because for the reasons you say - lusher and deeper.

I probably won't be able to make a good comparision since I never got a Small Clone to use myself, but beyond the noise factor, the CH1 is good enough for me.
I'm thinking Randolf can do it just as well as keeley. Its just a stock pedal with parts/values swapped here swapped there. Everyone does it differently and keeley is no exception. For the price I have to pay and the fact its just replacing parts with other "normal" (read: not NOS/rare parts)... I think Randolf is the more viable choice.