China's Fur Farm


New member
I dont know if this was posted anywhere in these forums. or if anyone of you have watched this.
but i received an email from arthur (propaganda machine) yesterday morning.
the video attached was utterly disturbing.
just wanna share them with you.
Currently those against such actions are signing a petition to somewhat get the authorities to take action.

A Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms
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Its disturbing indeed. There's the vid on youtube..

Also got one is the lil chicks/ ducks one..

disgusting how people can be.. inhumane
animals are getting killed inhumanely! quick, sign the petition and let's forget about it!
human beings are a pretty compassionate bunch for a species that survives by killing other animals and destroying the natural environment

check this out

fortunately i'm pretty sure nobody here flinches when ordering a cheeseburger. after all, the meat we eat is nicely packaged in plastic, absolving us from any moral dilemma regarding humanity

so the next time you tuck into your USA 'A' grade beef steak, you know how it got to the table :)

why doesn't anyone petition against war and the slaughter of children?
No matter how technologically advance we can get,
The primitive/basic/natural instinct of us cannot be erased/deleted....
This is what makes us human...
If the animals are for survival of human race , then we are ok with it..

BUT FOR FUR!! PISSED ME OFF!! Theres always synthetic materials to make Furs for fashions.. and theres Dolphin Masacre too. Then theres Killing of dogs by torturing it! Please stop all these. PLEASE . :'(
No matter how technologically advance we can get,
The primitive/basic/natural instinct of us cannot be erased/deleted....
This is what makes us human...

Yup true..
thnx Jugman for the video, didnt read the warning, just suka suka press, n im eating McSpicy now, thnx for making me dont eat...hahahha.....the video is damn disturbing,
honestly, by watching the video, i dunno which 1 is actually the seems the human act like an animal.....
Kill to survive. not kill to torture :( Dun kill dolphins, they are cute. Dun kill sharks , i love sharks. and endangered.. Dont these people have brains? Want more money also not this way.
Why kill dolphins..?they are cute man!
Kill sharks instead!:D

this view is exactly why there is a serious imbalance in ecosystems around the world.
we tend to be killing too many predators, that their prey runs rampant.

and sharksfin soup, complete ripoff.
it's just bloody ham soup.
eating it as a social symbol, bullshit.
i don't eat sharksfuin, i haven't eaten it for 5 years.
(im 15 btw)
and i urge all softies to heal my plea, cos every effort counts.
As a animal lover and also ex vegetarian - I am totally against such acts of cruently towards animals but lets face it - its happening all over not just in China alone. It's global menace. Poaching in Africa, the killing of seals in the ice land regions, dolphins and of course all that stuff coming outta China and so forth. It's global.

Peta's vids do mean to shock and I dont boubt that such cruently do exists and I can understand their point of view. The thing is we, as human being and as a species must EDUCATE OURSELVES. Dont buy such products!

As the popular saying goes "When the buying stops, the killing can too".

Penalties for poachers & people commiting inhumane acts against animals must be increased to the point of severity.
As the popular saying goes "When the buying stops, the killing can too".

i agree with that popular saying
So so.. here to give my one cent again.

I agree that such inhumane acts are usually found in China.. India.. [as in the case of kidney robbery].

So.. let me focus back on China.

China has a very very bad record in terms of animal abuse, human rights and the quality of their products.

Although its not suprising that they would perform such acts on animals, we must however understand the pain and agony that the animals will go thru.

No just China. In fact, anyone who performs such act of abuse on animals/ living things alike.

The reason of why they are doing this can be seen.

For Money.

The more demand, production rate must be increased to meet the demand.

The people are doing this just to meet the demand that the consumer is having.

Thus, in my opinion, just as fgl's, Stop buying such products. These abuse killings will soon stop too.

We must understand that for these people, they'll resort to anything and everything to earn money in the shortest possible time.

Absolutely disgusting.


paganified, kudos for once again refreshing my minds by bringing such a matter that we subconsciously forget back into my minds again.
Singapore ain't innocent either.

The primary cause of death in many of our neighbourhood cats and dogs is through brutal beating and even mutilation.