Champions League Final...Man U vs Barcelona

going, goin' and gone.

totally, no one really blocked out xavi, iniesta or messi. Allowed lots of free space, and esp when puyol had like quite a no. of shots on goal you know somethings really wrong. Sluggish with unneccesary fouls. I think they deserve to lose. I think they probably woke up on the wrong side of their beds lol.
i say, congrats to Barca for their win. thoroughly deserved. no objections from me.

but i gotta say that its freaking frustrating watching that noone in the white shirts had the balls to go in for a tackle whenever barca had possession. barca just basically walked all over ManUtd..

and i gotta give my thanks to ManUtd for giving me so much hope in the opening moments, up till etoo's goal.
Manu started so brilliantly. If only one of those chances had been converted, if only.

I've always admired Barcelona's attacking prowess and often compared them to manu's. Now I know that on Barcelona's day, no club on earth can match their standard. Amazing passing, amazing finishing, Manu could have suffered more goals if not for Van Der Sar and the post.

Disappointing end to what was touted as Manchester United and Fergie's best season even.

And I never imagined I would ever say this but, I thought manu REALLY REALLY missed Fletcher and his midfield hounding. I've never appreciated him until today, because in the BPL no team is even half as good as Barca in terms of attack.

Barca played like european champions and fully deserve this win, WAAAAAAYYY more than their semi final.
BAR CE! BAR CE! loved to see man utd get owned, we didnt win anything this time but least we gt our 4-1 at old trafford, i am gonna slp damn tight tonight =) dont need to introduce what fan am i right?
BAR CE! BAR CE! loved to see man utd get owned, we didnt win anything this time but least we gt our 4-1 at old trafford, i am gonna slp damn tight tonight =) dont need to introduce what fan am i right?

well at least we didn't end the season trophy-less.
And Rio was the "tall" guy beside the shortie messi. What a defend.. Totally allowed 3 strikers to pwn them upside down. Don't even tackle but keep retreating the whole game into their tiny penalty box and let them shoot...
Interesting to see Henry winning the CL cup with Barca after his last final was ruined by Barca too.
ya!! i was like 'why's everyone backing up? why's everyone backing up?!' whenever they let barca get fluidly too. i say VDS was let down by his men.

y'know, it's really sad when i can't even say 'well done united, at least it was a valiant effort', because this was such a far cry from the brilliant moments of the season past.

Barcelona didn't play exceptionally well, its manchester united that played badly.

cmon, Barcelona didn't have alves,abidal,marquez,milito or helb. Manchester united should have capitalized on it.

and i believed tevez would be able to make difference if he played from the start.

just some opinions from a liverpudian.

ok maybe he didn't felt like playing tevez most of the time is because he looks like emiliano insua from liverpool.

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I kind of agree with the above, to say manu were a shadow of their best form would be an understatement.

But you see, Iniesta, Messi, Henry and Xavi, those 4 were enough to cause mayhem to a defence that with the exception of O Shea is arguably the world's best or at least among the world's best. I honestly think Fletcher was greatly missed. His mindless chasing and tackling would have definitely cut Barca's momentum.

Also realised manu's passing was SHIT. Carrick and Rooney, normally masters of passing the ball were dismal today.

Barcelona showed up with the form to win, Manu didn't, it's simple as that.

Also hate to admit it, but Guardiola completely outsmarted Ferguson in terms of tactics. Completely.
good game . united were obviously demoralised after the first goal onwards. barca were the obvious better team . congrats barca for winning the cup , congrats united for reaching the finals and good try on winning but screw both of you. :)