Champions League Final...Man U vs Barcelona

That said, I do not dislike MUFC, just find the people supporting them, to be annoying, proud and snoobish. Whoops, did I hit the nail on your head?? :lol:

+1. this time round it is "man u had a bad game". come on. barca is that good to prevent your team from playing their game. to be honest, barca wasn't playing their best too. but kudos to ferguson for not doing another chelski.

but i have to add, i really dislike ronaldo for behaving like a spoilt brat when things are not going his way.

and grace is not putting down opponents and their fans when you or your team wins.
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the only reason why Man united lost was because they lost the most important part of the game. the midfield. they didn't control they didn't pass they didn't show up.
i've always said before that in a final like that, you need players like Hargreaves and Fletcher.
both that will sit and break down plays in the midfield.
Barcelona had that in Basquat. it allows Iniesta, Xavi, Messi (in midfield) to play openly.
that was the deciding factor. end of story.

Fergie got the positioning of players wrong. Ronaldo shd start on the wing to give the aging wingbacks problems. and Rooney up top on his own. oh well.
and of the day, we were beaten by an in form Iniesta and co.
Iniesta gets too little credit in my opinion.
well done Barce none the less
You and whatever team you support too. lol
Oh you're new here?
Welcome to soft.

I support the best team there was, there is, there ever will be - Liverpool FC.
And it's goddamn true!



Haha... Ronaldo is okay lah. I like his dribbling alot, but I feel he shouldn't be throwing tantrums when free kick is not awarded for foul commited against him... He should get back into the game... His constant whining is getting to me during the 2nd half of the season...

I realized Mufc fans get so used to the fact that they have been winning consecutively that 1 setback comes and they blame it so heavily on luck and get so agitated when haters and critics poke their noses in and rub salt on the wound...

Com'on man, winning and losing is part of the game. Which club in the entire world has never lost a game before? Losing tells us that we are all still humans and we make mistakes and have our down days... Instead of focusing on the losses, why not concentrate our attention on how we can correct our mistakes and win the next?

Losing to Barca doesnt mean Mufc is not good enough, but just that Barca holds a formula to beating them and what Mufc needs to do is to break that formula, whatever it is.
oh you dont know about the girls who only like liverpool because of torres?

plastic fans

Damn I heard that somewhere. I hope girls will support Arsenal cuz of Arshavin. He is a lil short though, but nonetheless a Russian pretty face...
but kudos to ferguson for not doing another chelski.

kudos to ferguson to let barca score against them in 9 minutes, which barca took 3 hours to do against chelsea. and chelsea did score first :) kudos to ferguson for not scoring, barca did not win chelsea, it was 1-1 and rules of the competition put them through, kudos to ferguson for letting in 2. kudos to ferguson for letting xavi eto and messi into the game where they were so invisible for 3 hours against chelsea. kudos to ferguson, kudos to ferguson.
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reason y suddenly got many barca fans is simple...
there's tis saying i heard years back... which i do believe it is true...

anything BUT manu


I don't agree with this ABU thing. Like anak abu like that.
You support your team cos you like them not cos you hate manures.

It's sad to see people support cheatsea, liverpool, arse, shitty cos they hate manures.

All this abu nabu what not are just papers trying to sell more copies.
I don't agree with this ABU thing. Like anak abu like that.
You support your team cos you like them not cos you hate manures.

It's sad to see people support cheatsea, liverpool, arse, shitty cos they hate manures.

All this abu nabu what not are just papers trying to sell more copies.

i dun support the team i support coz i hate manu.

even if i dun support any team, i still think manu sucks. in manu,i only respect giggs.
coz in the papers sumwhere,he even attack the younger players like ronaldo,rooney.

but still anything but manu la...
lotsa of footie experts here... many titles have you won ???

face it lah..Barca pwned ManUtd...Pep pwned Fergie..Puyol pwnd Rooney

GAME OVER..Barca WON..United balek kampong..tanam jagong

for the record...i am not a fan of any EPL team/clubs

I only support our national team..and whichever team I bet on...
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neuro - that's what i hate about ronaldo. yes he is good. but he should just shut up and grow up. players like kaka and messi just pick themselves up and continue playing their hearts out for the team rather than whine and commit cynical fouls when things don't go well or decisions go against them. and yes they are in the same league or even better than ronaldo and players in that caliber gets foul a hell lot. this separates the adults from the kids. and if he can't accept that fact, he should just quit football and play chess.

to beat barca, you'll need a team that can retain possession better than barca and not let them play their game. a tad difficult don't you think?
hahaha if Ronaldo play chess...i think he would probably use the queen to dribble thru..used the rook for wingplay and knights to bend the freekicks
oooohhh yeah!

but hey... i still think its a waste la... reaching the finals and not win. wasted sia

Now all the top 4 BPL team share the same thing - all 4 have lost in final.
All share same suffering and pain.
I'm out :mrgreen:!
hahaha if Ronaldo play chess...i think he would probably use the queen to dribble thru..used the rook for wingplay and knights to bend the freekicks

and still probably whine and throw a hissy fit when things and decisions don't go his way.
Damn I heard that somewhere. I hope girls will support Arsenal cuz of Arshavin. He is a lil short though, but nonetheless a Russian pretty face...

arshavin is awesome. but his back view is a little weird to me though. like he's a cross between muscular bodybuilder and russian pretty boy - makes him look a little like the hunchback of notre damme (or however that's spelt)

and to whatever your user id is (i forgot, sorry i got the memory of a goldfish when it comes to these things) i wasn't insulting you. But if it hit a nail in your head then too bad :D

while i was watching the match i openly prayed for the ref to send of ronaldo - granted he's awesome, but too much of a complainer and spoil sport with all his shoving of old folks (puyol) and whining about non-decisions.

But this i know, if arsenal was out of the champions league, if arsenal got drubbed by stoke, if arsenal got relegated to 1st division,

I'll still be an Arsenal fan. and as an arsenal fan, no matter what the league table says, or what some of you keep repeating about the result of arsenal vs manure, i'll still say this:

MAN U sucks! :D:D