Can't receive confirmation mail


New member
Hi, I'm currently using my friends account to use the forum service..

I've tried ( even my other friend ) to sign up for an account, but no confirmation mail has been received, therefore the account is not created..

Any admin can take a look in this issue?

i don't receive anymore notification mail when new PM or got reply from others on the thread i watching.
thousand appologies, there's something wrong with the automated email function. i will try to fix it this weekend. :oops:
oki, got the confirmation email thingy solved. should be. i think. :lol:
ShredCow, 105 emails from SOFT??? opps...

I did get a "Casinos' Cheats" email from SOFT though. hmmm... will monitor to see if this is a problem.
lol, thank you very much.. now i'm posting with my own account instead of my friends account i use to post this..

TY again :D