can we have a local band festival just for rockers?

need a serious extreme metal fest, with decent sound!!!! with 3 stages...........main (bigass guys like Opeth, Arch Enemy, Mastodon etc), secondary (Isis, Marduk, Behemoth etc) and fringe (more experimental kvlt shit)...............
1) Cost

2) Musicians increasing everyday, doesnt mean muscians got enough money to pay, cos most i knew/heard off, are damned broke. but full of noble ideas

agreed. as levan said, "There are always going to be pipsqueaks who complain and complain that more should be done and are never satisfied. Yet the duty always falls on another person to do it."
so hungry ghost wayangs are the tr00 metal! open for only a month, virtually unintelligible to most but to only a niche audience, warpaint, worshipping of spirits past, odd time signatures, tonnes of cymbals and no snare, songs of death, brotherhood and love lost.

are our nanyang immigrant forefathers the tr00 pioneers? they did come from the land of poverty in search of gold.

now, THATS hilarious hahaha
i am a magazine writer but i will only write and cover things tat i like.

do u have any words for me?
Dots....Why behemoth 2nd stage? I'd put them and Nile together and mash them on the first stage.......
Metal Allegiant...That 2 day metal fest that was supposed to be held in late 2007 which was eventually canceled.
Wah metal fest confirm kena boycott sia... Dark Funeral come to Singapore big hoo haa oredi... Metal fest later all the mothers unite make protest sia like Detroit Rock City movie where all the mothers unite against KISS music.... kwakwakwa.....
All those kids in my sch, that time, a band came to our sch, think it was a "invasion" ?
Teachers don't allow us to shout, scream, even stand up and cheer also cannot..
Those other students see the guitarist headbanging, swinging around, the teachers shake their head, the student laugh.

Too much interpertation of rockers who plays insturment, listens to rock songs as paikia ?
As rebellous kids?

Metal music, must less appeal to the main common stream in singapore, they are more likely to know bands which are played most on radio, chinese handsome singer, mostly on the outlook of the band, handsome? pretty ?

Them with long hair, piercing, werido ?

Thats what most thinks, maybe another reason why singfest last year had lesser turnout.

Parents don't promoto it, they would even go to the extend of confiscating the disc. : (

too sensative ? wrong mindset ?
hmm .. wonder wonder. .

No offence to anyone.
\m/ to all metalheads out there!
i don't attend many metal gigs, so maybe that doesn't give me a license to comment about certain issues, but i think i've played enough gigs to comment that if there were to be a metal festival, it would boil down to the simple economics of *are the organisers going to get any money out of it*

no... it's not about "boohoo, nobody understands my music, or nobody likes loud music, or there's a stigma and bad moral values.."

if there were, we wouldn't see Singapore building Casinos, legalising abortion or selling violent video games to gamers aged 16 and above.

No seriously, ask yourself that if you could invite the metal greats to play in Singapore, and considering you book venue costs, ticketing agents, artiste fees, equipment fees, travel, accomadation, food.. to attract XXX number of people to show up for the gig.

then you have to think about marketing the gig, through press, buying advertisements.. these things cost money. then you because you dont have enough money, you gotta look for corporate sponsors, and sell them the idea that YES! PEOPLE WILL COME FOR THIS GIG.

i'm sure people will come. but will enough people come?

when we're done griping about our lacklustre scene, let's come together and talk about how we can really help raise the profile on local music.
Those other students see the guitarist headbanging, swinging around, the teachers shake their head, the student laugh.

chill... is like that one what.
say.... trance or techno or dance music..
we see those ah bengs dance to them we also dont get it.
its just that some people arent exposed enough to the genre yet
Heh, yeah chris .. true true ... haha ..

Still I think the main reason would be if the event would turn out profitable or not, as mention many times in this thread.
For the horrible image of metal in Singapore, I BLAME YOU, MY FELLOW METALHEADS. When you defend your music, you must always try to come off as a eloquent educated person. I always do that, trust me, it works far better than threatening to kill the other person's whole family. Worst come to worst? Challenge them (NICELY YOU NITWIT) to a shred duel, nobody touches us metalheads when it comes to shredding!
its all about teh posturing mah....
