Can Rock and Roll change the world?

heh, we shud change our mindset first, music is nothing, rock and roll is nothing even worth to talk about if the basic needs in life are not fulfilled.

not place to stay, no food to eat, no future, no live, wtf is rock and roll, wth is music? Its all rubbish that doesnt save life, save people, save anything, as we are typing all this nonsense, including what i wrote.
x japan is exception, they can start a religion and i believe lotsa fanboys fangurls are willing to submit fully to them and forced changed everything, to everyone, known, unknown, friends or foes, people dont dont wanna listen also have no choice, but to...
That's why we don't have to look for the change, we ARE the change.

What have I done today that make the world a better place? Well, i brought my niece to her ice skating lesson. Brought my parents to my cousin's baby full month. Now bringing my wife out for walk walk.

I walked the extra meter to throw my rubbish into the dustbin.

Do join me to save the penguins and the polar bears. Please
We don't need another Lennon. What we need is to be a little more like Mother Theresa. Do our part to make this world a better place to live in. Music may inspire, but the ultimate power lies in our hands.
Captain Planet!!!!


"Go Planet!"

"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"

Captain Planet, he's our hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero

He's our powers magnified
And he's fighting on the planet's side

Captain Planet, he's our hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero

Gonna help him put asunder
Bad guys who like to loot and plunder

"You'll pay for this Captain Planet!"

We're the Planeteers
You can be one too
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!

Looting and polluting is not the way
Hear what Captain Planet has to say!

"The Power is Yours!"
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^ rock n roll changed the world by creating a subdivision called "poseurs"
In no way was that a personal attack ;)
Back in the day = music = lifestyle
punks listen to punk rock
metalheads listen to metal
so on and so forth

Now most people just mix it all up, so the purists get kinda pissed and shit.
"Listen the music must live the lifestyle!!!" bla bla bla..

Also, the masses aren't entirely to blame, corporations make this and that seem cool and in, and they take beloved punk&metal and made it into an industry.

I can't imagine anyone who doesn't like rock but forces themselves to listen to it, it is noise to them afterall..
Singaporeans are a practical lot, I think.

How many people do you know actually carry on the 'rebellion' right till they get married and have kids?

And how many people actually succumb to society's expectations for you to conform and 'normalize' yourself and fit in?

Dreams change. Hearts change. All the time.

But people? They'd always have prejudices. They'd always stereotype. They'd always judge.

What more in a racially diverse nation full of 4 million people cramped into such a small place, and a majority living in pigeon holes in the sky.

With people from very different colours, languages, cultures and histories - you'd easily get people with fear in their hearts, and with fear comes ignorance and simplistic perspectives.

And oh, with fear comes labels.

You'd label anything that you fear, so that you'd fit it with the rest and feel secure. Just like when the first colonial Americans even called the native Indians 'agents of the Anti-Christ' just because they were different, with backward ways of living and practices, and because they needed to find reasons to connect elements to justify their beliefs in the bible's book of revelation, the end of the world. Now, every Muslim is a potential terrorist. In Singapore, of course it is the Malays.

Such is how people react.

If you ask me, I don't think we humans will change, as long as we don't see beyond what our eyes see - the surface. The fact that we look different, that we have evolved into different peoples of different nose shapes, hair colour, heights and whatnot - there'll always be people who feel insecure and find reasons and ways to make themselves feel better.

I know you may find this lorsor or long-winded but I feel these are the fundamental elements in which it is critical if we really want to move and progress as the human race. Or 'change' for that matter.

In connection with local music, you cannot deny that a lot of us still perceive the Western musicians as better in all aspects - aesthetics, skills, creativity. It is true - they all look much better on television and print, they come up with the latest tunes that speak to your souls and everything. That's why we try to emulate them, no matter how strongly you deny it. Obviously, big corporations have realised this for the longest time.

It is a fact of human nature. That's why most of us realise that how hard we try, a huge percentage of us Singaporeans will still perceive local products as inferior. Just take a look at Creative Technologies. You want to compare the Zen with iPod Touch?

What about the Taiwanese, Hong Kong and mainland China you ask? Their music scene is always vibrant and they have such a large talent pool of superstars. Why can't Singapore be like that?

Of course, the most obvious reasons would be our size. With a large country comes a large market and with a large market comes very stiff competition. Everybody needs to be better and aim to be the best when there is so much competition.

So, Singaporeans tend to give up easily because we realise that no matter how strong our passion is, no matter how much fight we have in our souls, society still demands you to 'live like the rest', have a stable career, build up a family unit and contribute to the decreasing population and yada yada yada.

Sure you see people who'd want to be different all their lives but I suspect most still feel that they'd want to feel accepted. Such is the nature of the human being.

So, can music change the world?


Music is already a 'universal language'.

But diversity is what may be holding us back.

It'll always be a case of 'I am better than you' because we have different music and people want to 'belong' to different types of music and the lifestyles behind the different music genres. Anti-establishment kind of music ie. metal, punk, thrash etc will always be viewed negatively by most people.
as such, i dedicate what iam listening right now to all bro bros and sis sisss,

"Your hand in mine", by the best vocale band out there! Explosions in the sky

Love all, accept all, hate all, accept even more