Boutique Gear & Soft forums

It's interesting to see people comment about the market conditions. I wonder if they ever bought things for the sake of their music instead of looking at the resale value. Isn't that what the whole "hype" was about? A new sound. A different response/dynamic. A better tone. An un-safe vibe. For the sake of playing and crafting music. Not to be satisfied with what we had originally but to explore.

It's just like playing guitar. You can sound like how you did 10 yrs back or you can change in various ways... for the sake of self expression.

That said, I'd love to sell some stuff off too. Anyone? My 8 string? Pwn those lesser mortals with deficient, lacking 6 string "geetards"!!!
hehe, did anyone realise that among the many of us(me included), who buy pooteek stuff, actually didnt have much music to share other then the occasional playing to backing tracks' tracks or effect demo, in the context of the forum here.

So, what happen, what have we done or having any own stuff that was featured somewhere, but shy to share here or that we just love to buy and wank to at home till kingdom kum?

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