@Shredcow: Great to hear from you again. Yeah, those were the days. Money's abundant and the GAS was rampant. hahaha.
@Naviros - I see that you just joined about two years ago. Just in case you don't know, a year or two earlier than that, you will be selling a sought-after pedal in MINUTES. In some cases like those 550sgd zendrives, it would only take seconds after posting. Funny but true.: )
The release of line 6's m13 and m9 has noticeably caused a big dent on the boutique modulation market with more players opting to go for their user-friendly features(something which IMO the T.C. Nova products don't have) and flexibility than hauling those large analog modulation pedals in gigs or even just in their bedrooms.
Another culprit could also be the lack of live playing exposure among boutique players. Being a bedroom rockstar can only be so much fun until you get tired of it. A lot of boutique players here have a high-paying but physically-taxing jobs that take up a lot of their playing time.
@Naviros - I see that you just joined about two years ago. Just in case you don't know, a year or two earlier than that, you will be selling a sought-after pedal in MINUTES. In some cases like those 550sgd zendrives, it would only take seconds after posting. Funny but true.: )
The release of line 6's m13 and m9 has noticeably caused a big dent on the boutique modulation market with more players opting to go for their user-friendly features(something which IMO the T.C. Nova products don't have) and flexibility than hauling those large analog modulation pedals in gigs or even just in their bedrooms.
Another culprit could also be the lack of live playing exposure among boutique players. Being a bedroom rockstar can only be so much fun until you get tired of it. A lot of boutique players here have a high-paying but physically-taxing jobs that take up a lot of their playing time.