Black Screws


Hi... may I know if there's any stores in Singapore that sells sets of black screws, the size which fits into the pickguard edges. I want to zhnng my strat la... haha

Thanks in advance. =)
Haha, okay, when I find the time to do so haha.... meanwhile, will appreciate it if somebody knows a place that sells them. :P
If you know Woodlands Centre, there's a shop named "Standard Value" beside the mosque. They sell many things that you can buy to "ZHNG" ur guitar. It's worth it to go there. You take bus service 858 can reach. :P

FYI:They sell Dean guitars too. :twisted:
Haha, go penin got more things to look around for, more convenient to acquire more guitar stuff. :D

Regardless though, thanks to everyone who replied. :)

Shredcow: Hmm, maybe I will try that in future, not too keen on DIY atm. But thanks for the advice. :)

Btw, any stores in the cityhall area sells them?
damn u must be friggin blind or something. pple have been telling u to go to city hall to get what u need and ure still asking if there are any shops in city hall area which sell them.
penta-tonic said:
damn u must be friggin blind or something. pple have been telling u to go to city hall to get what u need and ure still asking if there are any shops in city hall area which sell them.

There's no need to insult others just because they want to go directly to the stores that sells them rather than searching.
To penta-tonic's defense, I'd say, City Hall has relatively few guitar shops, limited to the Pennisular area (most of the shops) and Bras Bahsa Complex.
Last I saw Davis as well as Guitar connection have them black strat style pickguard screws.
ShredCow said:
Lightly spray paint your chrome screws.

*takes out flame thrower*

whattt???? Spray already then when you screw back the paint will chip what!!!

screw so small how you spray????

*limp wrist visuallyghey smoothchie*
screw so small how you spray????


*takes out fire extinguisher*

I would normally screw them in slightly to a piece of wood and then blast them with a flame thrower...ahem...sorry...spray paint...

after 1st coat has dried (15 mins maybe), blast with 2nd coat.

lastly, be very, very careful when screwing around with them thereafter... :lol:


it's just bit of work but easy...

another way is to blast them with a flame thrower, gets them really nice and black too??? :lol:

tat would really zhng out your guitar!
here is a trick...get your ol' screws ...brush clean....hold tightly with a plier with head towards you....heat with torch till glowing red....then quickly dip into( any lub oil can do ) ....instant black coating !!
PENINSULAR!!!! BRAS BASAH!!!!! yeah...its easy to find the guitar stores there...Penin = just go to the basement level...walk around and u'll see them...not much of a hassle...then Bras Basah go to level 3,got Swee Lee and Ranking...
Guitar Workshop

PENINSULAR!!!! BRAS BASAH!!!!! yeah...its easy to find the guitar stores there...Penin = just go to the basement level...walk around and u'll see them...not much of a hassle...then Bras Basah go to level 3,got Swee Lee and Ranking...

and Francis Poh's GUITAR WORKSHOP is also on Level 3 @Bras Basah Complex!

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