Black metal Again?!!!!!!

hell yeah the media dunno their shit.... they juz hear wat ppl say.... i'm no black metal worshipper or sumtink like tat but i kinda seem it's gettin uglier to the media n parents.... and there's notink wrong listen to the songs,i sumtimes do oso....
wat the hell.... beta they talk abt kids clubbin at planet paradigm wat......
black vs black

I am not against any kind of music but I went to a black metal gig a few years back and there was a dude who brought his kid brother along (awwww...) to intro him to u know body slamming and surfing what not. And there was this stomper guy goth face cranium accessories all who kept whacking the small fella.....

What the hell was that all about?

But it just takes only a few to taint the whole community. One suicide case in a lot of happy people is bound to stand out. So as a viewer and outsider to the black community, that stomper guy left a deep disturbing impression of how 'driven' they can be, only to me of course. Like how we rockers think that boy bands .u know.... are for panzies.
I have been listening to metal for the last 17 years, and never once has the media portrayed metal in a decent whats the big hoohaa about, its just the way it is...things like this come and go...but the music will always be here...and we will be here always listening to it...
What is up with you guys and posers. It's a tv show. Aren't posing one of the main traits?

Besides it's not really discriminating the genre but rather, you guys chose to exaggerate the situation.
c'mon. don't go nuts just because we say how we feel about the tv show.
opinions. say it with me O-P-I-N-I-O-N-S. OPINION.

err freedom of speech anyone?

but even at the advertisement the lady said abt how the genre affects his life smth like that. but the re-enactment is a whole diff other story. but the overall moral of the episode is more likely to be 'bonding with parents' than 'don't listen to black metal'.
aiyah... the people who say that black metal cos people to be bad are just arguing with a logical fallacy. They get the effect and cause mixed up. Just because people who may be considered bad are attracted to black metal doesn't mean that people who are attracted to black metal are bad. simple logic. ^^
my thoughts on the situation

1. bad parenting, grew up neglected, parents weren't there for him, when they were they gave him shit.
2. hanging out with a bad crowd. they saw no problem with him stealing money, when he was under watch, he still drank and his friends didnt do anything to stop him.
well..of coz..there will always be "extremies" be it in religion or wadeva culture..

i listened to black metal too..nt much..but yea..but im still fine.i dun go ard drinking and what not a malay..i am seriously ashamed to see such nonsense coming from my community.hell. for this will always be ard.i will always be listening to goes on in the matter how biased..wont make us stop listening to music.

i guess..the matter will eventually blow over.

so for for now.haiya..dun bother abt the media lar.let them say what they want.
i personally feel that media just likes to pick on stuff that isn't "mainstream", like how hip hop isn't picked on because they help the media flow with all the big $ bucks...

i never listened to metal when i was younger cuz my mom didnt like the music and i respected her stand, then my friend introduced me to some Dream theater metal as well as other various metal stuff like sonata arc, strato, symphony x, etc... hey, some songs have more meaningful lyrics than POP songs and even PUNK -_-

take for example: nobody complains about Chemical Romance's video of them DANCING at a funeral, and i feel that's totally out of line - even if it's just an MTV. but the moment teens headbang to metallica, people snigger and say we're intoxicated.

well as for black metal, i stay away from any song with lyrics that are dodgy, no matter what religion you are, i guess u'll agree with me that u wudnt wanna be singing along to the Devil's music.

what's the big deal about cencoring black metal?

Consider this:
Angry young men and women having the voice and freedom to vent societal/ geopolitical/personal frustrations in their own brands of Metal > be it death metal, black death metal, suicidal black death metal, e.t.c... music that makes them feel empowered and strong willed, constantly building their skills as musicians and therefore injecting self esteem to a youth subculture that will end up with a backbone and a powerful message in their music...


...cencoring the same kids by not allowing this healthy outlet for lifes' ambivolence, leaving a sick silent rage that would envelope these young people almost daily visavi repressed rulers or overzealous doctrines...

In a word, the end result of the latter is a whole bunch of angry young dudes with low self esteem and no outlet for it's release ... add a few more ingredients and you have terrorism.

:?: 8O
i think they are trying to say that black metal contributes partly to what happen?

They listen to black metal, dress up, try to do what typical black metalheads will do. But that's the western style man, drugs and alcohol is nothing to them.
it is conformity.

it doesnt lies with the music fault,
but it's the individual fault.
there's is a certain degree in conforming to the norms of a group but you are old enough to judge what's right and what's no.
Don't blame it on black metal
i like to think of things like that : "dont blame anything ultimately, no matter what", which means no one should solely hold the blame, everyone has had a part to play.

take for example a kid brings a gun to school and kills the teacher. it's a shared blame, 1) parents 2) school 3) peers 4) teacher maybe 5) country (for allowing easy access to guns) 6) the kid 7) the music he listens to (esp if it talks about killing someone u hate) 8) the movies he watches 9) the stories in the papers of how another kid killed his teacher in his country too.