Black metal Again?!!!!!!

i was watching this show on Suria Channel called "Hanyut"(show about teenagers juvenile cases such as gangsterism,drug abuse) and guess week show is about a teen who was hooked to Black metal scene and culture..and how his life fell metal is getting recognition alot offend though....but any comment on this?

it's 1 thing to like music for what it is, and another to act stupid in the name of music....
marilyn manson. he is the troo brvtal 666 kvlt metal

Marilyn Manson is black metal? You got to be kidding the shit out of me. Haha, but if you really wanna hear good black metal... Pagan Fears by Mayhem and I Am The Black Wizards by Emperor.

Eh, like Kerry King had said, music isn't evil but people are evil. I'd listened to black metal for two years and I totally love black metal but I'm very sure I had not done stupid things like doping and setting churches on fire just because I listened to black metal.

We shouldn't blame the music for a person's behaviour change. Blame the person.
emperor's not a true representative of this, only selected materials ever feature symphonic elements, particularly their pre-IX Equilibirum efforts.
they're even better known for their church incendiaries & a bass playing troll in their midst...


people get conclusive when they hear fragments of what Emperor has to offer. Anorexia Nervosa is a better reference for a 'sympohnic' incorporation in their music.

Oh ya, Fuzz, Not to forget, the split with kenji siratori is brilliant!
I really love it.
Very depressing in some ways.
Update me on future releases aights!
Oh yes.. Thank you.. Next release will be in March.. Another 2 track split with Chile's Doom Ambient band.. Mine will be a 26 min track and his is a 36 min track..

So can't wait for that.. Limited copies!