big trouble in lil Ij -some nudity-

kwerty: plus 1 there bro.

some people are just ....
when people have fun they complain
when people dont come they complain.
when people dont bother they complain.

so penta-tonic, what do you really want?
no dude. its not all about the tone.
yes, tones may be really important but fun comes first, what will music be if theres no fun in it, let alone tone which is under music..
peace ya'll
oh my god my 2 cents worth :oops: [/quote]
I'm sure this is gonna be shit but no offence at all

Bum haha u shouldn't have post them here :)
I guess u're trying to let them know the fun

So, sup people. This is the fun they have. I wasn't there, but I can feel it.
Oh so i assume that, u would stand and just watch the gig. I see.
well what shai did was just like what Red Hot Chilli Peppers did.. why can ppl accept that and not this?.. whats the diff?.. at least he still had his shirt on..
hahaha u guys realli r in need of a chill pill man! this thread is crackin me up from all the ridiculous responses

heres my 1cent for anyone who bothers to read em...
i honestly feel that ij gigs esp those organised by the lioncitydiy guys r one, if not the most happening gigs u could ever attend right here in spore! the energy in that cosy sauna room is infectious. i thought the extinct forward studios gigs r good, ij ones r better! :)

ps: i love yogyakarta, seize the powerrrrr! heh
pps: nice pixs realli! *thumbs up*
well high on music is one thing but appropriate behavior?
lol u dun get high and go kill someone right? just because u are HIGH u use ur guitar and smash one person head and he die. and ppl wan to accept it.
my little yellow taxi

ok enough enough....

Let's just put it this way.
The boy's got guts, man!!

(pat on the back for shaiful)