Big Muff fans/buffs


New member
ok, just realised muff and buff... sounds naughty when they go together.. heh

anyway, this:

is this THE original big muff? and what makes it so sought after? i'm pretty interested cos this pretty little thing is going for $1100-$1200 in u-box, and unless you have gates as your last name, it's really quite a tidy sum
the answer can be found in following

sought after coz its rare over the years and some famous dude used it along the way. over the years, the components rating/value might drift and doesnt guarantee to get the "correct" sound(google on history of fuzzface as example). But if got money, its good as collection piece instead, imho

oh, theres a similar pedal to the one posted in the pic, but not from eh. ELK the brand. If surf around some auction site or japanese site, there cud be pics of it. Found the pic.. Am not sure whats the history, but elk from japan. It cud be restamped EH pedals imported into japan at that time or simply clone of it(most likely)

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woa, interesting. gonna dig up the schematics then. Component/value shift = new project.

not before i dig up some sound clips on it first tho

thanks bro!
woa, those schematics look really really interesting. the modern muffs look to allow more bass through.

thanks for the sites man! just starting on the modding thing, and got loads of reading up/learning to do.

just because melting stuff = endless fun
Wow ... Have built those schematics you suggested Pathein, especially the Whuge version ? :D

This Skreddy fella is nice guy but annoying at times with the 'Triangle muff' wank .... btw the first Ibanez dirt pedal was a clone of the muff ...interesting huh !! I didn't hear abt this somewherelse but held it in my hands and pulled out my eyeballs on the circuit to confirm!!

But now when you Google Ibanez distortion all you find is green puke ...:mrgreen:

The fuzz seperates men from the boys!!

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