Beyonce Says Singaporeans' English Suck

aiyarrr... go america speak english, come singapore speak singlish! would like to see her speak chinese. zzz.
Just saw the interview she gave out for the F1 Rock Concert at StarSport. From what i hear, she definitely got misquoted.

She said something along the lines of "Whenever im in Asia, I always try to give energetic performances because the crowd is so energetic and ill always try to give it back. For example, a fan that doesn't speak good English but knows every lyrics to a song."

Nothing in reference to Singaporean in general. Not a fan of her, but definitely in my opinion got misquoted. She might be a diva but im sure she's smart. =)

Please read the post by ErotoPrison as above before replying further.
i like how people think beyonce can draw so many conclusions about the english standards of the 10,000 plus fans who only screamed and cheered and shouted the lyrics of her own songs with her during the f1 rocks concerts.

or maybe she's only been in contact with our helpful foreign talents who keep our country running smoothly from within the service industry. So naturally if she confuses them for Singaporeans she confuses their english standard?

most likely i'm thinking forum goers are too free and think too much for their own good to draw so many conclusions from quotes drawn from prominent figures.

In any case, if i were to speak proper, gramatically correct English for but one whole day, 95% of the people i come across would automatically categorize me as a deeply artificial and go 'what?' at almost every sentence I utter. I'm supposing that conversational English is not as rigid as written English - so as long as you are understood who is to say you aren't speaking good English?

And apart from the English who has any right whatsoever to say you're speaking it wrong?
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i think people should adapt to different people when talking ur "english". of course when talking to ur typical singaporean chinese/malay/indian friends, u'll probably want to use our very own singlish cause to us its more comfortable, we're used to it and they are used to it.

but when talking with foreigners, australians/americans/europeans etc, just use some effort to polish the english a little, cut down our lahs and lehs and they'll understand. don't need to add some fake accent or anything. just good english with our singaporean accent. we need to be proud of it. in fact we should try it with our friends. :)

on a side note. like hong kong's english, its has such a distinct accent that russell peters made fun of it and it became his tool to represent how chinese people he met spoke english. now its probably the most popular english chinese accent right now. haha. but its still good english, just honkie style.
face it. no matter who criticizes your English, no one's going to change even the slightest bit. so let's all just forget it and move on with our lives. we've been speaking the way we do since we were young, despite the numerous "speak good english campaigns" happening in singapore. so, seriously, stop it...nobody gives a rat's ass.
Well, I don't really blame her for saying what she did.
I do think it's a misrepresentation of what she was trying to say though. Perhaps she didn't know enough about Singapore and figured that we're more along the lines of Japan, China or whatever - where English isn't used as a frequent language of communication. It's surely just a gross misunderstanding.

But in all seriousness, can you really blame her?
The fact is: most Singaporeans do not command a good level of English. We speak Singlish (and are proud of it too). Nothing to be ashamed of, but I don't think we should get too uptight when someone criticises your expertise in the English language. It's the truth that most people are not fluent in it.

But, you know, so what?! China and India's gonna take over the world eventually (figuratively speaking, not literally of course), what with their rapidly growing economies and the gradual decline of the US. Even the experts predict that this will happen within our lifetimes. Asia's got the numbers, baby! Okay, so maybe this is not so much the case with countries with a Malay speaking majority - I think perhaps they're still too busy rioting over corrupt politics and caning alcoholics to even start thinking about their economies. But hey, two out of three ain't so bad, so to hell with what Beyonce does or doesn't think. Asians rule, and so do Singaporeans.
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But, you know, so what?! China and India's gonna take over the world eventually (figuratively speaking, not literally of course), what with their rapidly growing economies and the gradual decline of the US. Even the experts predict that this will happen within our lifetimes. Asia's got the numbers, baby! Okay, so maybe this is not so much the case with countries with a Malay speaking majority - I think perhaps they're still too busy rioting over corrupt politics and caning alcoholics to even start thinking about their economies. But hey, two out of three ain't so bad, so to hell with what Beyonce does or doesn't think. Asians rule, and so do Singaporeans.

Two out of three? I wonder how many countries there are in Asia...

And of countless other countries in Asia that are not yet as developed, not blessed with thriving economies and are being poorly run by corrupt, evil men of all colours, shapes and sizes - I wonder why you singled out 'countries with a Malay speaking majority'?

You some kind of f*uckin' racist?
^ Good point. What does this got to do with whether they speak Malay or not? Plenty of countries in Asia has a few issues with their politics and they all speak different languages, not just Malay. Even in Singapore, we occasionally get a few heated debates and scuffles with politics, although perhaps not as extreme as the ones in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc
Actually heckler, read your posts throughout this thread and you'll see that you come across as racist toward african-americans. Not saying you are, but you come across as that, which is what levan is coming across as to you. Does that mean he is a racist? If it does then I guess it makes you a racist too.

If you look at it objectively, he merely phrased 'Malaysia shouldnt cane alcohol-consumers and the malaysian govt should be less corrupt' in an inappropriate manner. There is no need for either your vulgarities or odd attempts at censoring them in this case right!
heckler, I said countries with 'a Malay speaking majority', not 'Malays' as a race. I am not a racist, so please do not imply it or put words in my mouth. I was trying to refer to a country in paritcular without spelling it outright, but I guess it's my fault for not being clear enough, and if so, I apologise. Anyhow, corruption, whether you're a Chinese, Malay or Indian, is wrong on any level and is not determined by race.

For your random info..
Most Corrupt Countries in Asia.

Anyway, let's try to stick to the topic of the thread, shall we? Which is Beyonce's comments. No point giving the administrators a headache.

I think Singaporeans should never be ashamed of Singlish on any level. It is a 'language' that is uniquely our own. When you think Singapore, you think Singlish. It is one of the few cultural identities we have that has experienced a gradual and natural progression over the generations. It may be harsh on the ears of foreigners, but to us, it is a true mix of all the indigenous languages of the land we call our home; Malay, Tamil, Mandarin, Hokkien, etc. Best of all, Singlish is non-discriminate, and is understood and used by all races in Singapore. However, I think the main problem here, which was highlighted by the government many times over the years, is that we, as a nation, need a better grasp of English on the whole, and not use Singlish as a replacement to English but only as a suppliment to our daily social interactions.

Like I said in my initial post here, I think it's just one big misquote and misunderstanding on the media's part to Beyonce. Anyway, it's old news, so I shall go back to playing FINAL FANTASY 7 instead of commenting further. If they ever made a FINAL FANTASY 7: SNGLISH VERSION, I'd so play it!

Aerith: Eh, I die liao. Sephiroth kill me siah
Cloud: Wah dat ah? I whack him back for you okay?
Tifa: Eh, why you like Aerith more than me? That one is one siao ginah
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Lol bobby bobby. Just insult Malaysia and Indonesia outright ah, it's what Singaporeans do best, don't you think.


Back to the thread, Singaporeans can speak English, it's just that our English is bad. Listen to ourselves talk from time to time, it's littered with a lot of things foreigners would find really weird. But at least we can understand and speak somewhat good english, that's a plus for a lot of things. Like I had a friend from France once who felt it was much easier to get around Singapore because everyone speaks some English, as compared to China, where she was working beforehand.
Like I had a friend from France once who felt it was much easier to get around Singapore because everyone speaks some English, as compared to China, where she was working beforehand.

Your point is..?
You can't possibly expect average people on the street from whatever country to be able to speak a language that you use so it's easier for you to "get around".
In China, people are mainly Chinese, thus they speak Chinese.
Don't get what you're trying to bring across :confused:

Plus, as it's so obvious now, who gives a shit if you can speak English. Most of the richest people in the world don't even have English as their first (or second) language, and they're still rolling in cash.

Not here to pick a fight, just trying to understand what you're trying to say, aye?
I'm saying that at least people overseas are interested to come to Singapore to study/work/holiday, because I'm sure us being able to speak English plays a big part. I know a large majority of the world doesn't speak English, and that's cool. Look at Malaysia, for example. While many Malaysians can speak good English, they still retain their original language of Bahasa Malaysia. It doesn't make a country lesser or anything, it's just that being able to converse in 2 languages(in the case of many people in Singapore now) helps to bring in a lot of visitors.
Not against Americans in general, there are a lot of nice Americans, but who else here feels that America STILL thinks they rule the world? They tell other countries what the 'right' morals are, speak about democracy and tell people what to believe in. Meanwhile, they attack Iraq needlessly, crashed the World's economy, and created even more terrorism in the world than ever before. So if an American comes along to Singapore to tell us how we should speak and how we should behave, I say we flip them the double birds.

This happened to a friend of mine recently. True story too.

He was outside a bar and talking to his friends
And he said "I will have to reconfirm that"
A white girl, who overheard this, walks up to him and says "There's no such word as reconfirm. A confirmation is a confirmation, you can't re-confirm something that's already been confirmed"
And he said, "How would you know?"
She said, "I'm white. You're black (my friend is indian), you don't know sh*t, cause I'm white and I know English"

My friend smartly said, "That's great. So do you know the meaning of the word 'trash'?"

To this, the white girl replied indignantly, "Are you calling me white trash?! How dare you!"

And he shook his head, saying, "No, I just asked you the meaning of trash. It was you who inferred its meaning." :)

Incidentally, the Asian indian was right; There IS a word 'reconfirmed', and the smart alec white girl was wrong.

Nothing against white people in general. This is just a one-off incident of Western smugness! Maybe we can let Beyonce know that there is no such word as 'bootilicious' too in the English dictionary? :D
I'm saying that at least people overseas are interested to come to Singapore to study/work/holiday, because I'm sure us being able to speak English plays a big part. I know a large majority of the world doesn't speak English, and that's cool. Look at Malaysia, for example. While many Malaysians can speak good English, they still retain their original language of Bahasa Malaysia. It doesn't make a country lesser or anything, it's just that being able to converse in 2 languages(in the case of many people in Singapore now) helps to bring in a lot of visitors.

Funny.. You realise the people coming to Singapore now are mostly the China Chinese?
Most of them can't speak a smidgen of English.

Also, it just so happens that they're the ones who really are filthy rich right now, and they didn't need English to get there. At all.

Whereas the English-speakers aren't exactly doing fantastic.
Funny.. You realise the people coming to Singapore now are mostly the China Chinese?
Most of them can't speak a smidgen of English.

Also, it just so happens that they're the ones who really are filthy rich right now, and they didn't need English to get there. At all.

Whereas the English-speakers aren't exactly doing fantastic.

Not so much the ones who work at 7-11s and coffee shops, but definitely the businessmen. China will rule the world soon. :)
I have the privilege of living in the swanky part of Pudong, and those rich people are really madly crazy eye bulging rich.
The poor however... are really poor.

Income gap, sigh.

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