Between Goths and Emo's


New member
Sometimes i wonder why would people compare Goth and Emo the same thing......

y oh y oh y??:confused:

I even have a friend who keep saying that she a Goth emo :confused:


Yes Goth Songs are about darkness and despair but their words are more artistic.

and they wouldn't do a hair lik ecover an eye ....usually long hair or mohawk or short or neat hair
goth emo? got such thing one ar?

den i must be a metallic-blues-hardcore-punk-emo-jazz
my hair is.......................................................botak

anybody share the same genre(or watever you call it) with me? heh! :D
Goth = "...the end of the world is coming. Sigh..."

Emo = " whole world has crashed around me, nobody knows what it's like to be me right now..."

Haha no offense. By the way, 'emo' refers to 'emotive'. Its a short form. Emo doesn't mean emotional. If you want emotional, Sentenced and 30 Seconds to Mars qualify. :cool:
hahaha.... widdly you summed it up nicely!

best uncool goth image.... Robert Smith in classic white Reebok hicuts, baggy black shirt and pants. ubercool!
Every scene kinda borrows ideas and fashion/image and change and adapt and whatever.

At the end of the day its still the music that counts, most people have a hard time differentiating (did I spell that right?) between the music (espcially metal).

Most people who diss don't really know what they're talking about anyway, all their opinions are based on the first impression in this case the 'image of a genre'.

"EMO SIOL! RUN ALONG EMO BOY! GO HOME AND CRAI!" - some random guy with his friend holding a skateboard making fun of my guitarist

"EMO SIAL!!!" - my bassist making fun of a group of skinny pants doods
goth started off from gothic.
which is a movement in the 18th century.

emo started off from punk
which is a movement in the 80s.

the people in both groups are still going through an identity crisis hahaha , thats one thing they have in common
den i must be a metallic-blues-hardcore-punk-emo-jazz
my hair is.......................................................botak

anybody share the same genre(or watever you call it) with me? heh! :D

eh! same with me lah! except i got a big bald patch with polka dots on top of my head instead of botak.
What's the point of labels anyway? They're pretty much the outcast of society, the 'weirdos' that you avoid.