Baybeats 2007 Auditions!

From the registration website..

# The auditions are open to bands performing any musical genre that can be considered appropriate for an indie rock festival!
- Indie Rock, Power Pop, Punk Rock, Avant Guard, Post Rock, Electronica, Shoe-gazer, etc.

Meaning bands with a more 80's rock feel can't really take part? :(
Far sounding from these modern genres i feel.
just give it a shot mellapong. u never know man. i know my band aint goin thru, still registered us up tho. so ya, give it a shot. see u guys there 8)
hahaha just go la! whatever genre u are...if they dun allow then you will know for sure...havent try never know


wish I could join too..
the_man_of_men said:

if flybar is taking part, the chances of my band going through is now slimmer...

Hey dude,

Pls dun say that, we're sure that each and every band has special elements that make each of us special.

Anyway, flybar have submitted! yay!
WAH!! Flybar just responded to me!!

hey! i'm a big fan of yours!! i got one of your songs, beautiful killer. the 2nd most played song on my comp. really love you guys!

thanks for your encouragement! we'll try our best anyway and hopefully we can share the same stage.

WEEHEE!! :lol:

Hey thanks for the encouragement too! we're glad you like our stuff. you making us turn pink already...

And hmm... international acts? Flybar were in HK earlier in November, and we shared the stage with this really good band called Lojic, they're darn good. Check em out at
u jus submit ur registration and they will slot u in for tha audition, nobody but the organizers noe the audition time and date dude :)
pls do note that there is a large volume of applications sent in, so they might be able to process all applications so soon..

it may be today or it may not be today. just keep a lookout on the site.. as stated in the audition rules & regulations, they will send the band an email notification should they get in.