Batman Begins- what can we expect?

Does anyone think like me think that they shouldn't bring back old classic epics from the dead and try to make new spanky versions of them just to cash in on their previous sucess? Things like Smallville, this batman returns, Star Wars episodes 1-3, it's like hey, we need some revenue, what do we do? Lets dig up some old stuff, brush them up a little, and make a prequel! People will be dying to find out what happened in the past, makes good money! It's kind of a pity that of late, there are not many new epics. The only 2 I think think of will be the Matrix and LOTR trilogies. It's quite the trend now to 'dig up the past' so to speak. There wouldn't be much progress in the whole industry if they keep up with this. Large progress in effects have been made, definately, but nothing much in the storywriting department. It's back then when the effects were weak that they had to rely on a good story to be able to sell. Kind of the contrary now.

You should be able to tell by now I'm a sucker for epic movies/stories/games. Love them.
stars said:
guitarnub said:
off topic - anyone know when Sin City is coming out? its been out in the US for ages already!

Ive got the DVD ... 8)

I heard it's good stuff. I watched some clips online... Heh, I'm amazed that you can pull yourself off the Ishibashi website!! :D

What u getting next?
hmm ?

lol ... jsut watched it this morning ... if they had passed it with cuts it wouldnt make sense.

its a damned great movie. very good directing.. i especially liked the ending , the weaving of 3 sub stories into one mega story to show the world of sin city.

spoiler alert : the oldtown babes are in a way comical too .. S&M bondage gear and gothic getups totting uzis and pistols...

behold, the real Batman movie, effectively rendering all predecessors as foolish, commercial indulgences.

if you are expecting Batman-vs-criminals scenes in this movie, you are better off with the sequels. Batman Begins is a prequel just like Episodes I/II/III are to the whole Star Wars saga. the story line is fantastic, tracing Bruce Wayne's tortured childhood & indulging in his internal conflicts until he became Gotham City's Dark Knight. this prequel would please all true Batman fans who were hoping for a meaner, more fearsome, ninjitsu-trained vigilante, unlike the wimpy & unbecoming commercial manipulative of the past 4 instalments.

you need to be patient with the initial fraction of the movie as it traces Bruce Wayne's desire of becoming an ultimate avenger of his murdered parents, by imprisoning himself up & mixing with criminals to understand their psyche. the movie took a pshyshological turn when Ducart offered Wayne spiritual & martial refinements to his quest.

Batman Begins also manifested adequate explanations as to how Batman himself acquired those advanced gadgets/ costumes/ Batmobile- which is the highlight of the movie. the Batmobile, called the 'Tumbler' surpassed all Batmobiles in the sequels in terms of its capacity & ideals.

i am throughly pleased with Batman Begins because it truly portrayed him as a lethal crimefighter, not a form-fitting, costume clad theatric who gets bent on filling up Hollywood's coffers. my only gripe with it was the concluding bit where there was an attempt to link this prequel to the first Batman instalment, which gave a false hope to those whose debut exposure to the Dark Kngiht is this prequel itself. the standard between Batman Begins & the sequels is monolithic. if you think Episode III was something big this mid-year, then there's Batman Begins...

PS: Yes, i attended the sneak preview... 8)
subversion said:

behold, the real Batman movie, effectively rendering all predecessors as foolish, commercial indulgences.

if you are expecting Batman-vs-criminals scenes in this movie, you are better off with the sequels. Batman Begins is a prequel just like Episodes I/II/III are to the whole Star Wars saga. the story line is fantastic, tracing Bruce Wayne's tortured childhood & indulging in his internal conflicts until he became Gotham City's Dark Knight. this prequel would please all true Batman fans who were hoping for a meaner, more fearsome, ninjitsu-trained vigilante, unlike the wimpy & unbecoming commercial manipulative of the past 4 instalments.

you need to be patient with the initial fraction of the movie as it traces Bruce Wayne's desire of becoming an ultimate avenger of his murdered parents, by imprisoning himself up & mixing with criminals to understand their psyche. the movie took a pshyshological turn when Ducart offered Wayne spiritual & martial refinements to his quest.

Batman Begins also manifested adequate explanations as to how Batman himself acquired those advanced gadgets/ costumes/ Batmobile- which is the highlight of the movie. the Batmobile, called the 'Tumbler' surpassed all Batmobiles in the sequels in terms of its capacity & ideals.

i am throughly pleased with Batman Begins because it truly portrayed him as a lethal crimefighter, not a form-fitting, costume clad theatric who gets bent on filling up Hollywood's coffers. my only gripe with it was the concluding bit where there was an attempt to link this prequel to the first Batman instalment, which gave a false hope to those whose debut exposure to the Dark Kngiht is this prequel itself. the standard between Batman Begins & the sequels is monolithic. if you think Episode III was something big this mid-year, then there's Batman Begins...

PS: Yes, i attended the sneak preview... 8)

So how's the movie?? :smt054
BATMAN BEGINS. where all other corny batman movies end.
loved the storyline. loved the effects. loved the closeness the movie had with reality and there wasnt any campy villain dressed up like a freezing silver plated frankenstein.(think mr freeze, if i hadnt known that he was a villain, i 'd think that name was a new 7-11 ice cream)

it jst really portrays the Dark Knight as a human being with real human problems and emotion such as Fear and Vengeance, cos yeah that's jst what he is. a human being. not someone who is blessed with superpowers.

i'm getting the 12" figurine! :D
and maybe see the movie again.heh.

TUMBLER was kickass!
Katie Holmes was yummy.
doode... watching later. sigh...

din catch the preview show as promised another fren to watch together. Can't wait!!!
When I was young , I would watch Batman (the movie with joker as the enemy) from which my dad had it taped and watch it practically every morning before going for kindergarden lessons.... 8)
GrimBrody said:
BATMAN BEGINS. where all other corny batman movies end.

Doode, was slightly disappointed... Thought the movie was close to great but definitely not amazing...

Christian Bale looked kinda stiff in the suit but I thought that he made an excellent Bruce Wayne... and Katie Holmes superceded my expections as an actress. Then again, they were v. low to begin with. Hehehe...

i thot gary oldman was the best villain ever. one thing the movie lacked was rain. lots of it. lol. i dunno...i've always believed that Gotham had overzealous rainstorms.


see u at rock on singapore dude!!
Hhaha, not sure if we watched the same movie or u were too busy ogling at Katie Holmes... There were shitloads of rain scene in the movie... during the 2nd act. Dei, Gary Oldman was Sgt Jim Gordon.... Hehehhe :lol:

See u later...

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