Bass humbuckers confusion


New member
hi guys, i just went to davis n i was looking for bassline humbuckers. this guy den told me what what humbuckers do i want. i said humbuckers n he said

Ya, what humbuckers? Humbuckers got P, J, Soapbar humbuckers. so what humbuckers do u want

so is there reali p,j, soap HBs or is HB a different type of PU? thks, davis reali left me confused :?: :?: would really appreciated u guys help :D

and on a different note, where's the best place 4 bass lessons? music lab? maestro? n y? i need 2 convince my dad.. he believes yamaha is lyk the best out there. thks once again...
Precision pickups are generally humbucking already due to their arrangement.

There are also stacked jazz pickups which can be called "humbucking" because they don't generate the typical hum of single coils, while still being able to generate the sound of single coil jazz pickups.

Some soapbars are either a P, J or dualcoils as in the soapbar casing is just that, a casing for the pickup, hence it's just a cover.

There are musicman-style pickups which are those that are on Stingrays and Sterlings, as well as a whole variety of other basses, like on the Ibanez RD series.

There are also dualcoil pickups which kind of look two jazz pickups fixed together.

So yes, there are many many kinds of "humbuckers". Generally humbuckers are pickups which don't generate the humming sound usually associated with single coil pickups. It mainly depends on how the magnets in the pickups are wired. There are single coil jazz pickups which are humbucking too actually. Hope this helps! :D

And anybody else can help here about the bass classes question? Haha. No helpful information about it from me because I'm self-taught.. :lol:

i believe soapbars is soapbars,no such thing as soapbars p/j...

singe coil p bass pickup is not humbucking [from what i know],but i may be wrong... :roll:
hmmm... then under which class would you place a les paul bass's stock pickup? u know the one with the pickup mounts?? yea, coz i was looking for something that can replace em....
those are considered soapbars ...

anyway ... humbuckers is basically a technology ... kieran gave a good explaination on that ...

pickup styles are basically like P, J or soapbars ... there are those rarer ones like lipstick pickups ...
they are the bomb :)

no, seriously. they're really big-sounding single coils that just happen to look like humbuckers.
nope.. they're damn expensive though. $500 or something, i can't remember. i got the chance to play a lakland decade when I was in the states; seriously huge mojo vintage vibe.
reyrey: with regard to the soapbars issue with J, P or other pickups, look up on EMGs. Their soapbar pups have P and J configurations as well. :)

And if I recall correctly, P pups are humbucking. Anybody able to clarify this? And I mean the split P pups that we see nowadays, not those single-coil P pups like on a Fender Telecaster bass, because those are not humbucking, haha. :wink:

Hmm, interesting, never knew Dark Stars were single coil. I've been fooled by the looks of them! :evil: And yeah, vintage-y goodness.. -drools-
microweeb, when u say 'humbuckers' to any music store person, the first thing that comes to mind is 'double coil pick-ups'.

you have to be more specific with what you really want.

here is an hopefully helpful list of 'humbucking' pick ups for bass-

dimarzio ultra jazz-stacked humbucking (the coils are literally stacked and not side by side).

your basic precision bass pick up, i recommend seymour duncan antiquity II.

EMG HZ - passive twin coil for bass.

most humbucking pick ups for bass look like 'soapbars'.

or you can mount i pair of jazz bass pickups in one humbucking slot (you might have to re-route the space).

what bass are you using?
hmmm, i'm looking for a passive tho... the only ones dat fit my Lp r active...

someone asked me wats da diff between using neck pups n bridge pups.. it kinda left me scratchin my head too... could some explian 2 me futher? thx
hmm... jsut another question to throw in the mix

About the wiring of pickups. Series and Parallel. I have no idea how mine are wired, but what's the difference in sounds between a pair of, let's say jazz bass pickups, that is serially and parallel-y wired?
haha read your physics sec 2. I remember series means... one off all off, but parallel... can on one off the other... if i'm not wrong. XD