bass forum anyone?

Hmm.. another case of struggle for independence. I say bass is like a "province" of the guitar, separated by the civil war of different frequencies.

Pyro said:
Maybe like an axe section then 2 sub forums in it with bass and guitar?

Hmm the 1 country, 2 system approach? Sounds good
hifi_killer said:
I say bass is like a "province" of the guitar, separated by the civil war of different frequencies.

Bass is a province of guitar? I thought it was the other way round...Alamak choose wrong instrument.
3notesAbar said:
...Alamak choose wrong instrument.

hahahah!!!!!!!!!! :smt043 to me soft lag bassist =X if this bassist forum gotta start.. we must have a alot of bassist.. so the forum wont be dead.. if not.. it be like.. sofyan quote himself more =X
heyy frens, just gotta say that a bass is eons apart from being a guitar.
the electronics, frequencies.......... everything's different!
but more importantly, bassists have a character of their own... and its a whole different instrument.. i mean, can u call jaco pastorius and victor wooten guitarists? thts blesphemy, man... why do u think berklee university started a degree major in bass... so grads like john myung of dreamtheater can become guitarists? nahhh.... the bass comm in sg is thriving... and personally, as a bassist, i'll be insulted to be called a guitarist.
the bass and the guitar operate on the same principles, they just cover different frequencies and have different names.

a good analogy is probably the violin and the cello. they're variations on the same instrument, but are given different names and violinists are considered different musicians from cellists. however, they are in the same family of stringed instruments, and share similar physical forms and acoustic properties; their main difference being that they cover different frequency spectrums and on occasion use different playing techniques.

i think it's fine if bassists don't want to be called guitarists. perhaps it's a little pompous to declare that basses are guitars on a lower frequency; it could just as easily be said that guitars are basses on a higher frequency. but to claim that the bass and the guitar are completely different instruments is a fallacy. they are very closely related, both acoustic and electric variations. to say that they have little or nothing in common is absurd.
serialninja said:
the bass and the guitar operate on the same principles, they just cover different frequencies and have different names..
heyy man... there are common pts... i agree with u on them being related... just wanted to highlight the fact that the scope that the bass covers exceeds that of a guitar, in a sense that the bass in itself includes the contrabass as well as the upright double bass, used in chamber music. as such,bass cannot really be defined as a form of guitar, can it? its related, yeah i agree... but its a whole different world when it comes to technique and feel... i guess those who have picked up a bass would agree on that pt. ;)
Ok, they do share some similar traits, but they do have MORE differences. Even then, have you seen how hard it is for bassists to get their questions answered? I've seen people asking for bass string questions and getting answered with electric guitar related answers. :roll:
So, point is, the bass needs its own forum, as it has it's own type of gear, techniques and so on.
I've seen guitarists play bass. Its either boring or disgusting. No offence but i was referring to guitarists with zero experience as bassists in a band :P
lol...agree dude...imagine some guitarist try to shred his way through on bass guitar,using pick and crappy amp setting...ouch!! [no offense for other guitarists]
i hope to see good reasoning rather than comparing "who/which is better".

Just some days ago, there was a request for a Vocal section. Quite a few hands were raised. I thought it was reason to start it.

i just want to hear from the bassist- Starting it is just a click of a button for me, will you continue to build it up with good discussions and information?
There is some difference between a bass and a electric guitar , you will not know the difference unless you play both the electric guitar and bass quite well. Do you use your right hand fingers to pop and slap your electric guitar. You need a lot more strength on your fingers , especially the last inkie fingers if you want to do a running repetitive bassline.

I play the bass since 1977 and now learning lead just to be more rounded as a guitarist. There is quite a few good bassist here in soft and bass is not easy to pick up as you need to have some basic theory of music to be able to hold down a bass line. I am sure bassist here would like to have a forum of their own as they are more than enough bassist here to keep the forum alive and kicking.

Cheers and bassist have more groove