Bass Amp Megathread

Well... if I remember correctly Markbass amps are all SMD, which make it a right lovelovelovelovelove to mod yourself... you might be better off just getting a rated transformer
the sad case of importing amp into singapore. anyone manage to google or find any information or know anyone that can mod those 110/120v amps?
I once heard/read someone modding a 110V SVT3 to 230/240V.

Don't remember who though...
SVT voltage mods are easy... most of them involve only a few jumper changes and a fuse switch. Only the all-tube models need the fan jumper change if I remember correctly
saw this at talkbass!! w00000....

Even smaller than the famed Orange Tiny Terror and weighing in around 5 kilograms, the New Orange Terror Bass is a 500-watt hybrid amplifier with a Class D solid state power section and a twin valve 12AX7 preamp to deliver a high-powered performance that can crank out 500 watts of pure legendary Orange tone.

Super lightweight for its power and sound, the compact size of the new amp has the portability that allows travelling musicians to go anywhere without worrying about what backline waits at the venue.

With the same great looks as the original Tiny Terror and a rugged construction that will stand up to the road, bass players can now be part of Tiny Terror club.

Watch out for more news about Orange bass products in the coming months......

For further information contact :

USA or outside USA
rubbish, you still got to worry about things like cabs, mons, noob soundman etc :D

i finally looked up the 110v/240v thing on talkbass. regarding markbass, markbass has a representative there. i forgot his name but some of u might know what im referring to. basically the scoop is that markbass will not tell people how to mod their amps because it is a potentially dangerous mod, if the owner does not know what he is doing. so they dont want to be liable for any shit that happens. however, you can pm that particular TBer and he can instruct the dealer (for singapore, supposed to be davis) to mod it for you.
maybe can ask them. but if it can be done overseas where the used gear market is HUGE, shouldnt be a problem lah. at most maybe got to pay some money

unless one of the modding experts can make is SWITCHABLE
i cross fingers that davies got some LMII when i go back end of the mth or some nice micro amp :) or something lah... this micro amp head GAS need to be deflated soon.
lol I've never seen somebody so full of GAS.

yea i'd rather make a custom 2x10 with those. i wonder how they'll sound like.

actually i'd make a custom 1x15 to accompany my 4x10.
lol I've never seen somebody so full of GAS.

yea i'd rather make a custom 2x10 with those. i wonder how they'll sound like.

actually i'd make a custom 1x15 to accompany my 4x10.
i dun think they got 1x15... that be nice to have i like 1x15