Bass Amp Megathread

kustom amps? never heard of them.

if you can, see if you can find any Ashdown amps. or, you can be like me and get an Orange Crush 20B. about $200.

here's mine.



good for vintage tones.
Nice Orange! But the last time I tried that, it was anything but vintage sounding... I guess there's a limitation to how much "vintage" you can get out of a solid state amp.
anyone can help recommend an amp 10-30w for home use only.

budget $300

What u guys think kustom amps?

kustom's KBA combo series, imo, is very worth the money.

good for a practice amp.

the 30w one cost 225 at davis the last time i see it.

it has a lot of deep end to it.

i am going to start a sideline biz ;p teaching folks to play bass ; i am going to get some combo amps to start off with. getting the hartke A70s.

apparently there is a niche market for a decent bass tutor ;p
yup :) not the world's greatest cab to pair it with (not even hartke's greatest cab) but it's like $245 compared to markbass' 2x10 which i saw selling at davis for $960
i could not get hold of the 2x10 XL via the KL dealer. u reckon the 2x10 xl can be drag on a flight from sg to kl? is the box damn big?
i think can. the box shouldnt be that big if it has no tweeter. if not, put it in some kind of box (so that nobody will kope it) and request fragile baggage check in. they will check it in by hand. that one last resort lah.
i am firm believer of hartke xl cabs!

to my ears alum cones give great frequency response without distortion as compared to paper ones :)

i tried listening to both, and to me the alum cones are much clearer.

disclaimer: only to my ears... to your ears it may sound different and i'm totally cool with that :)
when i went to citymusic... the 210XL was out of stock :( so i couldn't even try. i chose the TP instead of the VX cos of the price and weight.

if citymusic has a year end sale maybe i'll get a 1x15 :twisted: