Bass Amp Megathread

hey guys , about how much would it cost to buy a markbass head with cab in the shops ? Or it is recommanded to get the GK head with cabs ?
markbass and gk are two pretty different animals... mb gives you a really clean, warm tone while gk will give you a more aggressive sound- it all depends what you're looking for.

if you're interested in gk, check out the genz benz shuttle heads. they're pretty good for the money.
but also remember, the tone is not determined by the amp alone, the kind of cabs u set your rig to will make a big difference
i think i will try to get the little mark II with the traveller series . Any ideal how much it would cost?
why not we brainstorm what we generally should look out for in bass amps?
or something like that.
markbass and gk are two pretty different animals... mb gives you a really clean, warm tone while gk will give you a more aggressive sound- it all depends what you're looking for.

if you're interested in gk, check out the genz benz shuttle heads. they're pretty good for the money.
i've checked originally i wanted genz-benz but davies not bringing in anymore

markbass LMII = SGD$1000 or so. cab? dunno ;p

if i have a choice i prefer genz benz.
the genz benz one is nice, tried it at one studio before.

but i don't get their logic of the bass boost mid scope and treble attack buttons.

what happens when u activate all 3 of them?
markbass and gk are two pretty different animals... mb gives you a really clean, warm tone while gk will give you a more aggressive sound- it all depends what you're looking for.

if you're interested in gk, check out the genz benz shuttle heads. they're pretty good for the money.

GK and GB sounds very different to me. The GK has its own signature tone, which is very nice for that purpose. There's a new GK mini amp coming out too... keep a lookout for that. =)
My little tiny humble amp. mesa walkabout, tiny tiny 300 watts only

you think only bass & guitar uses gig bag?




the head is removable, and can be easily attach to any cab. :)

Wah four pages and noone mention Ampeg...
I guess i must be too mainstream..

Ampeg SVT3pro with an 8x10 still rocks my socks.

Sound pretty fierce thro my Marshall Bass state 2x10 + 1x15 cab as well.
i never ok? :P srsly my microbass is 1 zero less wattage man!

and kelvin got me interested in the PJB flightcase....
was shopping around for amp head and got this company in KL call ceriatone is making a SVT type head.......... w000000000000000000
Don't be so preoccupied with watts... the 300 SVT all-tube watts will sound pretty different from any solid state amp you'll use :)