yeah Kerr, i needed a few patch cables [ the perfect excuse to get out of the house, to G77 hehe ] kicked off the pup 1st tones with the song WarPigs, Alan Koh doing a mean Ozzy vox.
Damn that WarPig pickup could wail! what impressed me abt the pup, its so loud and high in output, it doesnt crack the amp into overdrive like the ToneZones, X2Ns and other similar models. The cleans are CLEAN, tonal range is wide. the POT LP guitar complements it well, thru the J&H in heavy dist, clarity of chords, chugging low scooped metal riffs. it delivered, no problems. my fav tone is the mid position on overdrive, getting that Black Dog riff tone [Led Zeppelin]. WP is Evil! :twisted:
i wont be surprised if someone actually offered to buy the POT LP w/WPs equipped. Its all ready to go with coil taps etc.
the Trilogy 3 single-coils on Kerr's Strat, loud and clear. tonality is wide open. nice eq on them, good thick mids for singles, yet preserving the twang. chords in heavy distortion would just ring thru, no clusters. Minimal hum in drive mode, very2 soft. this pups were singing. being a single-coiler, definitely am having G.A.S. mode now.
BareKnuckle pups are great, considering the current prices of Dimarzios and the likes. It'll be worth those extra bucks for long term investment in tone. tools made by musicians for musicians.