SoulJah said:
The astronomical price has been steering me away from brands like BNP as well as WCR. Another side of me debates this whole thing as well, I mean honestly speaking, will my playing ever justify putting a set of 600 dollar WCR/BNP pickups into my guitar, and then play everything through a solid state amp? I know of a guy who bought a set of damn expensive boooteeek pickups only to play them through a podxt live.

My heros all use contemporary replacement pickup manufacturers eg. dimarzio, seymour duncan...would using these brands compromise on my quest for tone?

These are not criticisms or anything like flames or whatever, it's just little insecurities that I have come by as a player and a consumer while I have been looking for the right humbuckers for my guitar.

But then on the other hand, if I buy something accessible like dimarzios, will I be compromising on anything? LOL.

It's a frickin' big ass vicious cycle of a conudrum.

aye aye... i hear you man! this argument also comes to mind with every expensive gear purchase i make... cos as a player, i think i dont fully optimise such hi-end gear
On the other hand, one can say, he only cares for HIS tone and will only do it HIS way.

I mean, whatever rocks YOUR boat!

I don't see an issue splurging on gear (duh!) but I see an issue with scrimping on gear.

Bad Gear = Poorer Tone
Good Gear = Better Tone

Thats the equation.

When it comes down to pups, I always believe its the foundation of your tone. You can have spectauclar tube amps but if you don't have the right pups, the base tone ain't right, the output ain't right.
ER.... WARPIG Beez is putting in one of our POT. SO YOU GUYS are TRY...
I mean is a new PICKUP line in Singapore. So I am putting on a few sets to let people try. Let the tones speak for itself is the BEST I think.

I have ordered like 1.5 months ago and just arrived YESTERDAY.
I have collected a few orders yesterday next shipment I think will be June.

Dont worry about prices MSRP maybe very high but we will try out best to beat the PRICES down for you guys so every tone freak who like it can easily afford.

Come and try my old strats..with BKP Trilogy!
Orgainse GUITAR SOLO Challanges AI MAI??

Winner get BKP ...kekekekekke

SHREDCOW BAN from Joining....kekekekeke You be judge....hhahahaha :P
I wanted a set of Bareknuckles but the shipping was too ex and i bought pickups already thn u guys bring it in hahah talk abt bad timing for me hahaha. The stormy monday and the mule set seems very good for paf style tones.

Maybe i'll go down and take a look.

If you wanna buy booteek pickups dun bother playing it in a crap guitar tru a crap 15watt SS amp. Ur better off spending the money and buying a better amp.
wow the respond is so many people come and try the pickup.

PUAL is the first one to START OFF the WAR PIG!

yeah Kerr, i needed a few patch cables [ the perfect excuse to get out of the house, to G77 hehe ] kicked off the pup 1st tones with the song WarPigs, Alan Koh doing a mean Ozzy vox.

Damn that WarPig pickup could wail! what impressed me abt the pup, its so loud and high in output, it doesnt crack the amp into overdrive like the ToneZones, X2Ns and other similar models. The cleans are CLEAN, tonal range is wide. the POT LP guitar complements it well, thru the J&H in heavy dist, clarity of chords, chugging low scooped metal riffs. it delivered, no problems. my fav tone is the mid position on overdrive, getting that Black Dog riff tone [Led Zeppelin]. WP is Evil! :twisted:

i wont be surprised if someone actually offered to buy the POT LP w/WPs equipped. Its all ready to go with coil taps etc.

the Trilogy 3 single-coils on Kerr's Strat, loud and clear. tonality is wide open. nice eq on them, good thick mids for singles, yet preserving the twang. chords in heavy distortion would just ring thru, no clusters. Minimal hum in drive mode, very2 soft. this pups were singing. being a single-coiler, definitely am having G.A.S. mode now.

BareKnuckle pups are great, considering the current prices of Dimarzios and the likes. It'll be worth those extra bucks for long term investment in tone. tools made by musicians for musicians.
I'd been to G77 yday - the Trilogy single coils are absolutely incredible. Cleans are what you would want from a strat - bell-like, with every note ringing out clearly. I can't image what it would sound like with a bit of chorus added to it... And yes, those in-between positions are perfect for funk.

Under gain, there's a bit of single coil hum, but the tone is just sweet. Not as trebly as your typical single coil, but instead has a fuller sound. No mud under distortion, sounds rather nice when you back off the volume a bit. Would be my first choice set for a sss strat.

I'm dying to get these.. must ...control... myself..
I was there yesterday tested out the pickups on what I believe was Kerr's guitar. Amazing stuff. Really chimey like what everyone has stated and nice high but not muddy output. It's hard to describe, very nice high output and volume but it won't over drive your amp or go into muddy/ice pick bass or highs.

I got a nice SRV tone when doing single note stuff and bends, and a very unique rhythm tone.

You get what you pay for man.

This is the real deal.
Now I would love to witness the shoot-out between the Venomous Viper and the Wrothful Warpig.

And if I can't witness it, just let me/us know the results, in detail!