BTW - this is the 20th aniversary of ARSENAL's historic 0-2 win at Anfield to win the leagure from rite under pool's noses ... hence why the AFC jersey is a comemorartive edition to that incredible nite.

oh - just some general info :-D
arsenal vs west ham! woot! i cant wait. man u drew against everton, now's the time to widen the gap!

oh oh you guys watch hull city last night? incredible sia, they (still) keep on winning!
Yup and now liverpool have beaten chelski at the Bridge to smash their 4 year record. It was a lucky win but a win nevertheless. Oh and Arsenal are 1-0 up now i think. Oh wait just some general info too :)
Cant wait for the gunners to put revenge on those hullian tigers on their next meet. Watch out tigers!
hehe i think wenger purposely keep adebayor till the last 20ish minutes, let the team tire the hammers out first, then bring in the secret weapon.

i love that long range goal adebayor scored! counterattack at its best!

Arsène Wenger... 'I never smoked when I played' Wenger - I smoked when I was a young coach

By Richard Clarke

Arsène Wenger has both a “moral and physical’ objection to footballers smoking but also admits that he used to have the odd cigarette himself years ago to relieve the pressures of being a young coach.

The issue is in the news after pictures of William Gallas appeared in an English newspaper on Friday morning. It was showed the Arsenal captain with an unlit cigarette in his hand.

At his Friday press conference, Wenger said he would be asking the 31-year-old about the story. But, he recalled, it was part of football culture in France years ago.

“Smoking has both a physical and moral impact [on a player],” he said. “But there is smoking and then there is smoking. You did get players who’d smoke 40 cigarettes a day but now it is much less.

“When I was a player, nobody would ever tell you that you should not smoke. We were driving home in coaches where you had to open the windows in winter to see each other.

“I never smoked a lot and never when I played. But when I became a young coach I had an assistant who smoked and, at 3am in the morning when you have lost a big game, I might have one.”
wah need to sleep early today, match starts at 4am in the morning, after soccer need to get ready for work all... :p

omg i slept through, woke up and checked the results. a 4-4 draw!?...
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arsenal didnt lose, they drew 4-4.

But they were leading 4-2 up till the 89th minute. Extra time was 4 minutes. Tottenham scored at the 89th and 93rd minute. So it feels like a loss.
feels like a huge loss actually, especially when they're up against tottenham... the harry effect is working... *shivers*
You got it right. Please replace Song. That guy is wack.

Song has been detriment to the team's defensive dynamics. First was Senderos then now this joker.

The back line doesn't do any justice to the people in the front line. If Arsene Wenger persists in this way, it won't be long before they get run over by the giants.

We need people like Mascherano and Carragher in the defence lineup.

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