hi peepz, I am really new to recording, feel it is time to learn this after playing for so many years. I will like to get started
Qns1. What free software to recommend for recording?
Qns2. What gears I need to start recording with my bass guitar
Qns3. Macbook vs normal notebook, which is better for recording & why
Sorry for such noob qns, but we all gonna start from somewhere.
1) Try SAE sponsored Digital Audio Workstation - "Ardour"...you can get it from
Although it only runs on a Mac...
Another one is Garageband which is bundled when you buy a Mac...It's a simpler version of Logic Pro.
2) You need a D.I. Box for the Bass and an Audio Interface like Presonus Firebox, Mbox Mini.
3) This is very subjective since it depends on the program you would be using in the end. There are some programs that runs on Windows only and others only for Mac.
Although Macbook or normal notebooks are both good for recordings. It depends on the specifications.
For audio use:
Hard Disk Drives - SATA with 5400 rpm would be ok (although higher rpm is better for desktop, in notebooks 7200rpm hdd heats up easily)
Memory - Atleast 1GB (higher is always better)
Video card - Would be good if video card is not sharing with the main memory.
I would suggest you go for a Macbook or better a Macbook pro because you can run windows aswell, and have the flexibility to use software that runs on both platforms. You also have a garageband included that will give you a head start in recording. It's a hybrid thing.
The best thing about Mac is that you wouldn't have the headache you get when you are using Windows specially Vista...whew
I have been using my Macbook for audio use about 3 years and never got any headache specially in drivers and compatibility issues, never had a system crash either. Works perfectly and would almost forget about windows.
Althought, I still use Windows just because I need to run some software like Wavelab that is still exclusively for windows.