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Any of u softies applying? I just did...now hoping to get either one of them...I`m a poly grad btw with average grades hehe...
ShredCow said:I'm trying.
The poly thing about Average Bs? No man... you are looking at average A- more like... I got average B-, I doubt I can get in.
Phil said:I am aiming for the Arts stream too. :wink:
Mobius said:I from poly and am studyin in nus now. Yes they take in poly students with an average B grade. They have their own system of calculating whether u are accepted. I asked them about this but they say that they cant tell me...
DoubleBlade said:I'm just wondering....Would the uni's consider testimonials regarding you doing active community work especially when it's from a government organisation?
Because my friends keep on telling me to get CCA points in poly so that entry into a local U can be easier....
Mobius said:They do consider other things other than grades as well..i actually got a chance to have a conversation with one of the admin people about this matters, this is wat he told me: U must market urself to them u are very very very passionate about the course u wanna study in, u must be able to show them u can do well in the uni even if ur grades are not up to mark. The main concern of the uni about lettin people with less than avergae grades in, is that they may not be able to cope with the uni curriculum and not able to graduate with a degree.