Anyone applying for NTU/NUS this year?


New member
Any of u softies applying? I just hoping to get either one of them...I`m a poly grad btw with average grades hehe...
The minimum is CCC for JCs right? What are the requirements for Poly?
Anyway, a CCC would hardly get you anywhere la.
Well I duno abt JC eh...but I heard for poly grads must have avg Bs...looks like I have a low chance...: ( I need a miracle!!!

My bro last time got very lousy A level results and he was offered an arts/social science coz in NUS but he didnt want it. Eventually, he did his deg in compt science in Perth...
I'm trying. :)

The poly thing about Average Bs? No man... you are looking at average A- more like... I got average B-, I doubt I can get in.
ShredCow said:
I'm trying. :)

The poly thing about Average Bs? No man... you are looking at average A- more like... I got average B-, I doubt I can get in.

Well, i have friends who got average Bs but they still can get into NTU...tats what I know...I think those with As are able to get their 1st choice easily...oh well, I`m still hopeful actually...: )

I wonder if work experience can be a good advantage..cos I taught in a primary school for 3 mths...I indicated that in the NUS application form...
I think NTU biz sch is one of the hardest to go in.

Maybe engineering is quite easy.

My frens grad frm TP course BIT. applied twice, NTU couldnt get in. This is the 3rd consecutive year and also the last time they gna try haha.

Aft my JC, only choice for me is NUS arts stream, coz i took arts. Whithout maths n science i couldnt get into any biz/engin courses. n i reckon that iam not really interested in careers choices aftr taking the courses. n the only module that interest me is psychology, but again if u wana be a pyschologist/pyschatrist in sg, u need to have a master. So end up now taking a Biz IT course frm UK uni.

Anyways gd luck for thoes applying!
how long will they retain a place for you if you are sucessful?
have you all completed your NS?

Business course are harder to get in even for the JC students needless to say for poly students.
I from poly and am studyin in nus now. Yes they take in poly students with an average B grade. They have their own system of calculating whether u are accepted. I asked them about this but they say that they cant tell me...

As for how long they will retain the place if u are in NS, they will retain for till u finished NS

As for poly people goin to local uni like nus, be prepared to take cross faculty modules that are not of any interest to u, cos u need to take some of them to fufill you degree. Another thing to take note is that, nus is more academic, as for poly is more hands on, so be prepared for the difference in the study culture. be prepared to work extra hard.
Mobius said:
I from poly and am studyin in nus now. Yes they take in poly students with an average B grade. They have their own system of calculating whether u are accepted. I asked them about this but they say that they cant tell me...

wow if like tat i need a miracle to get in......: )
Dude u still can try, but the try will cost u $20 (if its still the same as 3 years ago) as u need to pay for some admin fees.. If u wanan get into a local Uni, best is to get in as soon as u can. They raise the fees 5% this academic year and is goin to raise another 3% for the next academic year for nus. And i forsee that they are goin to do that on a regular basis. So get in before it becomes too expensive... Good Luck Dude!
hmm , i m aiming for SMU .

but NTU and NUS also can lar , hmmz JC dude here, unsure of when A levels coming out though.

anyone got any good course recommendations ?
What are ur interests? Will you forsee urself doing wat u are going to study for the next 30 years or so? These 2 qns will decide which course u will go in. Cos a career is somethin that will last 30 to 40 years of ur life. Do something u like and u dont have to work a single day. Don do wats popular, do wat u really like and is passionate about.

As for choosing which uni, do a research on their curriculum and see if they can provide what u want. Don belive too much in their advertisments cos nowadays the uni market is very competitive, all those u read on their advertisments are just marketing ploys. Hope this helps.
I'm just wondering....Would the uni's consider testimonials regarding you doing active community work especially when it's from a government organisation?

Because my friends keep on telling me to get CCA points in poly so that entry into a local U can be easier....
DoubleBlade said:
I'm just wondering....Would the uni's consider testimonials regarding you doing active community work especially when it's from a government organisation?

Because my friends keep on telling me to get CCA points in poly so that entry into a local U can be easier....

Tat would be plus..u may nvr know...: )

I wonder if work experience can help me to boost my chances into entering uni..I taught in a primary school for 3 months last year...I indicated that in the NUS application form...
They do consider other things other than grades as well..i actually got a chance to have a conversation with one of the admin people about this matters, this is wat he told me: U must market urself to them u are very very very passionate about the course u wanna study in, u must be able to show them u can do well in the uni even if ur grades are not up to mark. The main concern of the uni about lettin people with less than avergae grades in, is that they may not be able to cope with the uni curriculum and not able to graduate with a degree.
Mobius said:
They do consider other things other than grades as well..i actually got a chance to have a conversation with one of the admin people about this matters, this is wat he told me: U must market urself to them u are very very very passionate about the course u wanna study in, u must be able to show them u can do well in the uni even if ur grades are not up to mark. The main concern of the uni about lettin people with less than avergae grades in, is that they may not be able to cope with the uni curriculum and not able to graduate with a degree.

u actually spoke to them? b4 u entered the uni or during uni days?

Wise words from a graduating student... (LOL)

If u're still unsure about what u wanna do in life, DONT PANIC. Studying what you'll be studying in the next 3-4 years does not necessarily mean you HAVE to go into that when you come out to work. In fact, a LOT of people I know actually work in careers that often are not in relation with their degrees. It's not surprising! Never feel that it's a waste of your time because knowledge is always useful...

Just do something you are capable of (and don't hate that much), and somewhere along the way you'll meet many friends who'll share their knowledge/experience/opinions..eventually your future become much clearer to you. The beautiful thing about life is that you make it take your time! Seriously!

(wow I realise how much I've learnt and grown since I came to uni...)

Of course if you DAMN SURE know what you want to study..then good luck you'll shine for sure. :)

Good luck to all!

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