Another child drummer prodigy

What's the name that Singaporean kid who's really darn good? Ah but it doesn't mean if you start early you'd be fantastic.
He appeared on a chinese documentary "Ter Xie" which features local freelance street performing artistes.. Sg is flooded with talented people man..
my friend owns a high tension snare drum (the head is made out of bullet proof material, a.k.a. kevlar), and honestly any beginner can play stuff like that on it, coz the rebound it crazy.

I'm not dissing the kid though, he plays it extremely clean, the diddles sounded clear. I just wanna inform that its ridiculously easy to play on that kind of drum; it's like playing on a very hard, very dense table top.
the sticks are like too big for his hands. but his technique is impeccable. goodness. doesn't it just kill you to see some 6 year old thrash your face up the wall?