and u wanted a FF

thailoverboy said:
devi will always be my goddess/god :smt055

yup...she is kinda seeking attention over HC....."nobody loves me evebody hates me"
go over a give hi...sorry her a hug.... :D
ShredCow said:
Yeah, Muse uses that FF, but its terribly expensive plus I have no need for that osciliation. Or, you gotta have that Osci function to obtain that kind of tone?

i think muse uses the zvex fuzz's built into a couple (or all) of matt bellamy's manson guitars. i have if you wanna try..can chug, but sounds best driving (not driven by) an od. can hear all the fuzz grit without the squeaks. i drive my crunch box with it for my primary high gain solo sound. i think i got mine for around 170 usd.
Hey Jon, yeah, I used a Fuzz Factory before (FF). :D

It pretty much does it on its own actaully... but i don't need the osciliation function, to me, it makes more sense on a guitar than in a pedal.
ItAcHi said:
wow....nt bad to post some sound sample of it?

listen to the guitar line over the end of "too much to forgive". it's my g&l asat special thinline into a z.vex super duper driving the fuzz factory (i think). i might have used a foxrox zim after the fuzz but i can't really remember. the signal is going into some kind of vintage fender solid state set on the clean channel and recorded at low volume (REALLY low volume) close miked with an sm57 and a rode nt3, and room miked with an audiotechnica at2020.
jon__ said:
ItAcHi said:
wow....nt bad to post some sound sample of it?

listen to the guitar line over the end of "too much to forgive". it's my g&l asat special thinline into a z.vex super duper driving the fuzz factory (i think). i might have used a foxrox zim after the fuzz but i can't really remember. the signal is going into some kind of vintage fender solid state set on the clean channel and recorded at low volume (REALLY low volume) close miked with an sm57 and a rode nt3, and room miked with an audiotechnica at2020.

Does FF behave as in your settings are not lost overnight ??
hmmm well that was my main issue with it when i first got it-i'd get it to stop squealing just long enough to turn it on and off and then i would accidentally kick one of the knobs and it would oscillate again. i got really fed up at one point and sat down with it for a looong loong time to figure out exactly what all the knobs do..they don't quite do what they're labelled, according to the manual/website they just adjust difference biases/capacitances/resistances/whatever and they're labelled according to what their effect is closest to.

now i can actually get sounds that i like out of it and it behaves itself REALLY barely even feeds back at the settings i use for normal playing. just goes to show that if you don't know your gear well you it won't cooperate.

i think the ff is one of those pieces of gear that you either love or hate..for what it does, it's actually not worth keeping on my board because i have major space constraints, but i can't bring myself to take it off :D i always used to hate fuzz sounds but i love this one
ShredCow said:
hmmm, goose, my old Vexter FF never lost its settings....

yeah, i generally don't have that problem with zvex even though the knobs are real close to the switches, even though i mount my ff and super duper vertically next to each other.
actually the setting part losing, from what i have experience myself can be due to the "getting used to" period of playing with it.

When i started using the FF, it took a while to get used to it. But once over that period of time, the characteristic seem to have stabilized and its not as hard to tame it.

But the worst, hehe, try a E13 truely beautiful disaster. That one more headache to use than the FF and it requires changes to playing style, different guitar to get interesting noise :lol:
mmm ..thanks for that bit of i see !!
The FF being a heavily modified Fuzz Face .. i believe the controls are sensitive so your sweet spot can be lost tape needed here.. :D
i like my fuzz to misbehave when i want it a certified control freak :lol:
Oh ya Fuzz is addictive...tell me abt it :roll:
I built the Pixie with a simple, consistant and a fully tweakable approach and stayed away from germs...inconsistant and hard to come by lah.
Sadly good transistor choice for a fuzz pedal is running out fast ....gotto start digging either NOS or some new mojo. :(

Joe Gagan's Sky Ripper other preffered choice.

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