Amp wattage???

It's a general rule of thumb, but not always true.

Usually a higher wattage amp will have more headroom too, but also a general rule of thumb. The tube models also play a part.
ZiiopBoii said:
Hie all juz wonderin da higher da wattage of an amp da louder it is rite....Is Is dat all regardin amp wattage??? Ntg else???

It's a myth.
A 100watter would not be twice as loud as 50watter, it takes about tenfold the power to double volume.
Meaning that to double the volume of the 50watter, you would need a 500watt amplifier. 8O

As with most issues, loudness/volume/sound depends on a myriad of variables such as things from speaker size, speaker efficiency to cab design and signal compression. All of which would have more impact on volume than wattage.

And yeap, to have a more in-depth understanding best just google la. 8)
In Guitar Tube amps the ratings is actually based on the wattage before distortion happens.

Have you ever heard a 5 watt tube amp screaming?
Luckily I have screens installed here at home my cats almost jumped out my windows from the 25th floor here! Hehehe Meeeeeow!
imo Wattage is just a rough guage nowadays since different manufacturers rate them differently; moreover, the cirucitry in the amp itself plays a part in the effective output of the amp. And then you also have speaker efficiency and other stuff. So best to take it as a rough guage, and use your ears to decide.

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