AMazing bass for sale CHEAP (and in the form of a POEM :))

i tried to read shakespeare stuff,but i cant understand any of it at all,felt like reading french to me,now im worried bout my language credibility,hahaha
the only shakesphere i've ever read is the merchant of venice.
all that i remember was that it was about two guys in love fighting for their rights. or was that another story??? :?: :roll: :?: :roll:
rumours.. that was shakespear's best friend.. shakespear couldn't find a perfect match for a wife, he loves women too much to get married.. like russel peters said, if he stick to one, he'll only love woman and not women..

But shakespear has the tendency to write about his best friends and the stones and the sea and the sky.. doesn't make him gay at all.. just that he's a very sentimental person. and a great artist..
the true beauty of the english language..archia english.

they make poems bloom.

so wad if shakespeare was gay or wad not.

its his work which shud be noted and admired not his sexual preference..

"his work is nice..but he's gay.. :x "
