AMazing bass for sale CHEAP (and in the form of a POEM :))

you guys look like big bullies :x !!!
by the way, did you happen to get the bass from davis
as a package at an orginal price of 250?
valo said:
you guys look like big bullies :x !!!
by the way, did you happen to get the bass from davis
as a package at an orginal price of 250?

No la... where got bully... i think the people very merciful liao... i understand ppl critisize u can be a bit :evil: ... i also kana shoot plenty of times too... but his reaction also a bit over the top dun u think....

Anyway i dun think he will reply liao la... he himself say he dun wan to sell liao... say bye liao
i think the reason he kept it is because he couldn't sell at that price.. anyway, just keep this whole thing closed la.. everything's over..
tsk. i agree with penta on this one. what the heck was that poem for? and that attitude he gave after getting bad responses, i hope i don't meet him. lol. no, seriously.

i'm not one who doesn't use em, but i do think vulgarities are a childish substitute to try and emphasize your points.
jayshen: isn't that Taira-kun of Beck :)

anyway, lets cut him some slack shall we? this poor chap is trying to sell his bass :) we should help each other?

BuyMyBase: its in the wrong section. u might wanna create a new one @ the Buy/Sell section? thanks :)
Haha! Hyper flame thread, much?

I pity this dude if he actually went down to any shop to recite his poem before selling./..
neuro182 said:
jayshen: isn't that Taira-kun of Beck :)

Yes it is.... it was after watching beck that i really got myself into bass... til today i still practice by playing to the beck OST...

anyway about this trend... let s end it here la... the guy zao liao... anyway i guess from his nick his only purpose of coming soft was to sell his bass. so lets get on with life. hahha... but to get him credit... next time i sell things in soft... i will do it a poem too... hahha...
JayShen: i want Ryuusuke-kun Lucille!!

CrispyEgg: maybe u can phrase it more constructively instead of using negative words? dun put people down :) encourage them.
haha,neuro bro,we're living in a cruel world,we cant expect to be treated nicely everytime unless you're prince william and co.
reyrey: agreed. well at least lets make a conscious effort to make this world a better place to live in..

free bump for u :)
reyrey said:
haha,neuro bro,we're living in a cruel world,we cant expect to be treated nicely everytime unless you're prince william and co.

its a cruel and harsh world due to selfish,self-centered individuals.

nevertheless..I AGREE WITH U!!

haha..if u cant take a lil crap like tt...u cant handle the real world.
valo said:
i have a feeling that we wont be seeing him for a long time ...

yeah dude,if shakespeare ever visit soft,confirm he wont die peacefully after he found out bout the poem....
lets not talk about shakesphere,even my old literature teacher won't

am i being to harsh???

well, maybe sweelee will have a cheeky poem to get people to go to their sales... :roll: