AMazing bass for sale CHEAP (and in the form of a POEM :))


New member
Black in colour
Hardly used
Extremely sexy
It's like brand new!

Comes with an amp
AND a case

If you don't want this
You're insane.

SX Brand

You'd look amazing
With it in your hand.

The reason i'm selling?
Well, it tears me apart.
I'm not a true bassist
I'm a guitarist at heart.

So if you want more details
Contact me soon
Not to be missed
It's the right one for you!

+65 91394969SMS only please :)

first of all. put this in the correct forum. secondly u write poems as if u were in primary school. really low standard. and guess what, i dun wanna buy ur bass.
penta-tonic said:
first of all. put this in the correct forum. secondly u write poems as if u were in primary school. really low standard. and guess what, i dun wanna buy ur bass.

show mercy lah dude.
lol, you might wanna re examine your asking price, my friend bought an sx bass brand new at 250
penta-tonic said:
first of all. put this in the correct forum. secondly u write poems as if u were in primary school. really low standard. and guess what, i dun wanna buy ur bass.

hahahaha,i agree with you on this dude

To penta-tonic and reyrey:
Woahh chill out hey, I post an ad and get abuse for it? if you don't want the bass, well don't reply! it's as simple as that. The poem was merely to catch your attention and obviously it worked. It was written in about 2 minutes literally, completely on the spot so my poetry skills shouldn't be an issue to you. The subject here is the bass, not what you think of my writing. Again, if you don't want the bass, don't reply! You just wasted a minute of your life and 2 minutes of mine. Personally I do not give a flying f*** what you think, and your comments made me laugh. Really. I'm just reminding you NOT to waste your time on stuff like this.
And i've actually decided to keep the bass, because it's been hardly played and would be a waste to sell it to someone who probably won't play it or take care of it like I do.
it seems like everybody's more pissed with the poem than the unreasonable price :lol:
Re: hmm

To penta-tonic and reyrey:
And i've actually decided to keep the bass, because it's been hardly played and would be a waste to sell it to someone who probably won't play it or take care of it like I do.

talk to me when your post is over 10 yeah,hahaha,i wont buy your 250$ bass dude,i'm worried that i might start reciting stupid poem once i bought it...kinda scary
3notesAbar said:
Not as easy to charm Singaporean consumers as the seller imagined 8)

good inspiration for my final year project ... i'm doing an unofficial guide to singapore .... could be a nice story .. =)
chester277 said:
it seems like everybody's more pissed with the poem than the unreasonable price :lol:

i thought it was kinda creative to have that poem to work ... hahahah