Black in colour
Hardly used
Extremely sexy
It's like brand new!
Comes with an amp
AND a case
If you don't want this
You're insane.
SX Brand
You'd look amazing
With it in your hand.
The reason i'm selling?
Well, it tears me apart.
I'm not a true bassist
I'm a guitarist at heart.
So if you want more details
Contact me soon
Not to be missed
It's the right one for you!
+65 91394969SMS only please

Hardly used
Extremely sexy
It's like brand new!
Comes with an amp
AND a case
If you don't want this
You're insane.
SX Brand
You'd look amazing
With it in your hand.
The reason i'm selling?
Well, it tears me apart.
I'm not a true bassist
I'm a guitarist at heart.
So if you want more details
Contact me soon
Not to be missed
It's the right one for you!
+65 91394969SMS only please