Am I sick?

Hhahaha you lucky dude. Seriously, bees/hornets/wasps are dangerous. Do not handle one alone if you find one. Try as far as possible to evade. Worse comes to worse, leave it to a cow with a 6" solid steel wrench.
heh, as poo said, post a pix if u manage to squash a lizard XD

i once opened this tiny door in my garden to find the skeleton of a lizard and the whole damned thing filled with ants. it was mortein to the rescue. sprayed the whole can dry and slammed the door shut. opened it to find everything missing a few days later. very meticulous animals, ants.
I squashed a lizard when it was sitting on one of my sliding kitchen cabinets.
3 parts! :lol:
Oh, and I'll love to get a 3kg steel wrench and smash it on a cow.. oops. :oops:
guitarnub said:
when it comes to roaches, i wanna keep it clean, no guts flying all over the floor. So its just a baygon spray :D

CFC no good. must help save the environment! haha.
on wednesday morning, i saw a roach.
thrusday morning, big fat lizard.
couldn't eat my breakfast in peace...
blackmoo...have you been listening to too much sentimentals...i notice when i listen to such i start to generate sadistic thoughts in my head...strange...
I'd like to see Candie kissing a cockroach to prove your love for them. Lol.

I rmmbr when i was 11 yrs old there was this bee invasion in my house coz of something the moe were doing to clear up the trees n hives or somethin, small tiny bees bt i could spot stings on their asses n my mom was like tellin me therez nothin ta b afraid of bt i grabbed my ninja suit n got into it fully covered no bare skin n closed my room windows n doors n went out with a toy katana n a plastic nunchuck just in case. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
anyone squashed a lizard? i've only sprayed one to death with baygon. hahaha. could hear it squeal.
well, when i was younger, i used to decapitate lizards and then nail their carcasses to a wooden plank. There were in total about 6 or 7 of them all nailed in a row. come to think of it, it's pretty sick now.. :smt005
Yes! James are you reading this? :lol:

Let's picket and riot for our right to have an insect and miscellaneous gross stuff sub-forum! :twisted: