All the local pleaz come in

ya... it's quite normal for one person to move at midnight.. but it's abnormal for my friend's and my neighbours to move furniture in the same night.

man, I never heard that kinda sounds at night here, I stayed at 9th store, and only the noise which i heard is the shakin of bed above ;)
Here, let me share with you an old picture of my old band in BIDADARI CEMENTERY, just a few walks away now from the unfunction Woodleigh Station. This picture was taken either in year 1999 or 2000. I hope I've help those who are clueless about BIDADARI CEMENTERY with this picture.

hahahaha... tats the christian cemetery...

ard tat time me n neighbourhood kakis always play hide n seek or police n thief there at nite.

there's tis particular time i think ard 2am... me n a frd was hiding together. we looked over the tombstones to find our seeker frd. there's only light from the moon u can depend on. we saw a tombstone like 20feet infront of us wif a carving of an angel... pretty big tombstone. we suddenly saw it waved at us. my frd fainted. tats scary
can we all just pick on the dude that wants to do the acoustic show and is asking for free equipment