Advice on guitars for starters

to moggie: ohh.. =' *there goes my money* harr.. lidat maybe too over lehh..
boos.. thanks for listing the price tho.. u noe the price for roland micro cube.? =)
went to the bras basah one.. there's a bigger collection at aljunied? cause i had to go to art friends to get some stuff..

anyhow i decided on a fat strat for my first guit :D getting it on my bday.. hopefully i'll be rockin soon :D
AHHHHH!!!!! no more?!!! how can?? =(
alamak la.. my luck owaez so bad.. but this is the worst..
yeah. i hope there is stock during the yr end sales.. =D
or i shall just call swee lee and get them to reserve one for me laa.. hehe.
afrodisiak.. hope u can get rocking soon yeah? haha.. lucks on getting YOUR guitar.. =) u shud be as excited as i am.. hehee i have 37 days to wait. ><
aljunied should have them.. better get them fast.. very popular choice.. was thinking of getting one but opt for rgt42.. so well.. to eoy sales then!
ShredCow said:
There's a cort lying in guitar77... i played it... H-H with 3 way switch and coil split push pull. Pretty good value for $400! The mightymites sound like glorified stock pups at best... the bridge is muddy on distortion, the neck sounds pretty standard, nothing to boast about. But man, for $400?! The quality is shockingly good.

I have a Cort g250 with Alnico II pro hum and a SSL-1 and i think its great value for money. Its a pity that pple often associate Cort with samicks and low end entry models but if you do your research Corts are actually mid-range guitars.

If you're looking for a budget starter guitar, Cort offers the best bang for buck. It has much more compared to other brands for the same price.

I got my second hand left-handed Cort g250 for only a $100. Thats almost robbery...

For starters, I recommend going thru the classifieds for 2nd hand goods. I've got the cortg250 with alnico II and ssl with a vox ad30vt amp for less than 400. If you buy first hand, you won't go very far with a limited budget. For a low budget, maximize your dollar by purchasing 2nd hand.

Go try out guitars at shops and list down some models you're interested in. Thereafter, have patience and wait for it at the 2nd hand market. Same goes for amps.

Basically, all you need is a guitar, amp and cables. Effects can come later... Alternatively, you can get a modelling amp (Vox valvetronix or Microcube) if you don't wish to spend so much on effects.

Hope that helps
to strats: hmm.. dat means.. if i wait till dec, end of yrs sales.. i probably wont be able to get the Ibanez RG 321? sheesh.. =r

to ictaros: hm.. i checked out the cort guitars.. G-series not bad.. but they dont list the pricings.. and i also did not see any cort guitars in the swee lee webby.. dat is unless dey dun update la.. =D thanks anways. i will keep in mind. =)
Hi flyed,

I think the Swee Lee site is not updated to include all models. The corts in Swee Lee i believe are stock behind the display (where all the ibanez are). You must walk through the gap behind...

Hope you enjoy your discovery. I've been through that and I know its an exciting phase =)
Btw, on classifieds, theres a cort g250P for 300 negotiatable. (i'm not the seller). If you get it at about $200, I think its a steal.
moggie_54 said:
theblueark said:
The Yamaha Pacifica's are pretty damn good for their price. Somemore alder body. I would reccomend one with a Vintage style trem, so if you ever find you want a trem, it's there. And if you find you don't want the hassle of a trem, you can add more springs/tighten up at the back to keep the trem permanently on the body. Very versatile guitars, usually with 1 humbucker and 2 singles. The humbucker is even split on position 4 if i'm not wrong.

Don't know why people hardly ever talk about Yamaha guitars here. You walk around singapore look at those cool uncle buskers (Orchard, Tampines, Boon Lay...) they usually using Yamaha pacifacas.

HEi Blueark.. Have you try the Yamaha Pacifica 412?? Is it good?? I am saving to buy it lor.. What's your opinion about the Pacifica 412 huh?? 8)
its a copy of the 312, the diff is, its made in korea and not in taiwan... well, not suppose to have any diff from the 312... its a good guitar... $600 i think... its like a way-above-thou-$400-guitar guitar... :)

edit: oh yes, did i mention alnico II pups?
the reason i suggest not getting a guitar <$400 is cuz, well, decent pickups are already gonna cost $100 each... imagine... guitar with 2 or 3 pickups... costing $400... -_-" its either materials kena compromised, pickups are lou ya ones or workmanship got from some tom dick harry from the streets one...

$600 is a safe range as u can see, $300 put aside for decent pups, the other $300 goes to materials and workmanship... and yes, $600 before any discount... if u manage to get a $600 guitar deal for $100, its still good...

vox, i think $188 ba... its on luther's webby:

navigate sumwhere in the guitar amps and u'll find it :D
hey flyed, i own a Ibanez SA160QM. I bought it back about 2 yrs ago from swee lee.

These are comments on it.
Its not that bad a guitar for a beginner. but it really depends what kinda music ure gonna play.
If u play poppy stuff, then i wouldnt recommend it to u. the clean sounds arent that good on this guitar, it kinda lacks clearness in tone in the pickups that come with it.
However if ure looking to play metal, this guitar wouldnt be too bad for it. but im not sure how much swee lee is selling it for though as i tink its not that worth it to buy this guitar for 600 (that was what i paid back then).

Anyways good luck and hope this has helped u :D
HEi Blueark.. Have you try the Yamaha Pacifica 412?? Is it good?? I am saving to buy it lor.. What's your opinion about the Pacifica 412 huh??

I simply love the neck and the overall feel of it. My friend who's a gibby player hates the neck though. So it's really individual. For an Alder body guitar with its specs for $569 at luther, its really a good deal. However, I have not looked at its electronics before.

My old Yamaha RGX costed about $640 and had similar specs, but with a floyd rose, did not have the alnico pickups and had cheapo pots. The cheapo pots sounded alright but I changed them anyway cos I was doing a treble bleed mod. The stock pickups were H-S-H, not bad and were wired using the steve's wizadry method, with the coil splits on position 2 and 4.

My guess is the 412 probably has better pickups, and the coil split at position 4. The pots would probably be the cheapo type I had but can easily be changed. Anyway it's good to open her up and do the treble bleed mod, so just change the pots at the same time.

Do note that the body is made of 3 piece alder. To me it doesn't affect the tone much at all, but some people do insist on 1 piece alder.

All in all I definetely think it's a great guitar for it's price range. When you finally want to buy one, do try out a few of them if possible. I've played quite a few 112s and every once in a while I pick up one that I just can't put down. I think this goes to all guitar models of all brands.
flyed, specially for you cos i'm in a good mood today:
Vox Pathfinder 15R $188 from luther's page. Warm.

Roland Micro cube. Versatile. Very.

Marshall CDR15 $208 from luther's page. Crap.

Laney $87 for HCM10 and $116 for HCM15 from swee lee's page. Crap.

Peavey Rage158 $140 from swee lee's page. Absolute crap.

Fender frontman 15. I'd give you a cookie if you can find worse crap than this.

Ibanez $96 for the 10s and $120 for the TB15. Ok I was being harsh. Its still crap but not as bad as some of the above.

There are quite a few more practice amps of this price range being sold but you more or less get the idea.

Since you are so gian on buying a guitar you love. Why not do this:
Marshall MS2 micro. Super small 9V amp. Kicks serious ass through headphones.

No seriously! That's how I started off too. Bought a guitar I liked, bought this little monster, then slowly save up for a better amp when I'm good and ready enough to try them out. I know a couple of people who started out with this too. One has the VOX version, and another has a Fender one. I remember Fernandes and Danelectro has them too. All of them cost about $50. I'm not sure where to the restl of them but Davis still has this one I think.

If you are practicing at home alone anyway. You don't need much volume at all, and with headphones on I tell you this little guy has great tone. Once your ears start appreciating the differences in amplifier tones then search for your dream amp :wink:

Hands up everyone who started out with a mini amp!
haha the blueark i own the rage158 and it seriously SUCKS.
i get so much feedback from this crappy amp and im saving up for a better amp.

any good amps to recommend? whats ur take on line6 amps.
i'll put my arms high for the rg321. you just got to love that wizardII neck. at least for me i love it. imo beats a 2k lp anytime. or a start even. im sorry i love ibanez so much. lol