flyed, specially for you cos i'm in a good mood today:
Vox Pathfinder 15R $188 from luther's page. Warm.
Roland Micro cube. Versatile. Very.
Marshall CDR15 $208 from luther's page. Crap.
Laney $87 for HCM10 and $116 for HCM15 from swee lee's page. Crap.
Peavey Rage158 $140 from swee lee's page. Absolute crap.
Fender frontman 15. I'd give you a cookie if you can find worse crap than this.
Ibanez $96 for the 10s and $120 for the TB15. Ok I was being harsh. Its still crap but not as bad as some of the above.
There are quite a few more practice amps of this price range being sold but you more or less get the idea.
Since you are so gian on buying a guitar you love. Why not do this:
Marshall MS2 micro. Super small 9V amp. Kicks serious ass through headphones.
No seriously! That's how I started off too. Bought a guitar I liked, bought this little monster, then slowly save up for a better amp when I'm good and ready enough to try them out. I know a couple of people who started out with this too. One has the VOX version, and another has a Fender one. I remember Fernandes and Danelectro has them too. All of them cost about $50. I'm not sure where to the restl of them but Davis still has this one I think.
If you are practicing at home alone anyway. You don't need much volume at all, and with headphones on I tell you this little guy has great tone. Once your ears start appreciating the differences in amplifier tones then search for your dream amp :wink:
Hands up everyone who started out with a mini amp!