Advice on guitars for starters

er, cort is a pretty decent brand that doesnt cost as much as the "big brothers" in the guitar industry, at least, for some of its guitars. they also have pretty good features, like mightymites pickups as a stock specification, stuff like that. imho, good value for money.
There's a cort lying in guitar77... i played it... H-H with 3 way switch and coil split push pull. Pretty good value for $400! The mightymites sound like glorified stock pups at best... the bridge is muddy on distortion, the neck sounds pretty standard, nothing to boast about. But man, for $400?! The quality is shockingly good.
to almondx: haha. thanks!!! i hope so too la.. LOLs.. same for u.. keep rocking!!! :rock:

to theblueark: hmm.. Ibanez, crap.? ouuucchhh..=D lol.. anyways, do u have any links or pictures.?
if best, the price too! =D
ohh... my frens all know nuts abt electric guitars...haha.. u bring me.? but u dun even noe me larr..>< but i nid to go gear hunting some time.. and if its even possible, a pro to guide me along would just be great.. =D (dun be shocked at my age tho. =X)

to fruitwine: ermmss.. any pictures?? i'm sorry.. but i do care about the looks of the guitar.. >< tho playability and tone comes first!!! =D

to shredcow: ohh. where/what is guitar77?? XD

haha.. and anyone can lyk demo how muddy sounds lyk? >< i tink i hear bfore but not so sure.. (i dun understsand word explanation anyways.. =r) and which shop has corts.? maybe link the web or smth.?
ooh cort.. i wanted to get one of the x series before.. but no bucks heh.. i second shredcow's opinion on the microcube.. for something that small it packs a punch.. doesnt cost that much, weighs like nothing and can fit into a bag :wink: as for guitar, the rg321mh is pretty versatile, costs around 400 at most during the sale.. it should fit within your budget...
Okay, sorry to hijack this thread a little, but any good amps to recommend a beginner for around $200? Tight on budget la.. :oops:
hmmm.. not bad!! any reviews?? =D the X-series kind of look lyk an Ibanez model... lols.. i didnt see them in the sweelee website. maybe u can post the price.? =D if its within my budget... why not.? =)
ermm.. shredcow: if the RG321 (me eyeing it. =D) cost about $400.. dat means i oni have $100 + to get my amps.. cables.. strap.. gig bag.. and everything.?! woah.. die larr.. must go work part time jobs liao.. ><

sweelee website dun hab roland microcube.. >< where else have.?
candie said:
Okay, sorry to hijack this thread a little, but any good amps to recommend a beginner for around $200? Tight on budget la.. :oops:

smarvo. 8)

but imho, u gotta spend on efx eventually, coz the smarvo's drive channel leaves "something" to be desired. the clean, on the other hand, is very nice. i run my efx into the clean, rarely bother with the drive channel.
depends which of the x series.. the one that i wanted(x-900 i think) cost ard 900+? im not very sure now.. that was 2 years back.. yeah its a strat shaped guitar.. or as an alternative, you can get an epi les paul if you dont mind the weight.. the stock pickup arent very nice from what i heard..
Well, if you want good stuff, you still have to expect to fork out something. True, you can get low priced stuff thats good quality but its not going to be like fantastic or something.

How come swee lee don't have the micro cube? They are the distributors of roland/boss products mah. Its there.
well thats the most the rg321 might cost, depending on how much discount they are giving..swee lee gave loads of discounts this year no idea why.. or... you can buy the guitar cable bag first and plug it into a sterep system if you have one.. sure it mmight not sounds as nice but its the cheapest way :wink:
for amps, u could try out the Vox 15R pathfinder... its warm and very clean on the clean channel... it relatively loud too as compared to other 15 watt amps... the overdrive however, is, overdrive... blues sound... dirty blues and not the rock and metal sound...

the thing is, if u want those kinda sound, u're better off getting pedals...

as for guitars... well, i'd suggest avoid most things below $400... theres quite a leap from $400 guitars and $600 onwards... lets take ibanez for eg, their "GIO" series are mostly kinda crappy... i'm not saying they'r ethe worst guitars around, its just that they're not worth $400...

another eg is pacificas... for $400, u'd get a indonesian issue... some ppl say it doesn't matter where're they're made but... pls... its true to only a certain extent... try harder to save about 50% more... to $600... and get an ibanez thats not GIO, or a pacifica thats from taiwan or some other not that mainstrream brands... best thing is to do some research on the net 1st, see what kinda wood's used, where its made...

after all that, u'd still haveta try to get sum1 who knows quite a bit on guitars to help u test the models u're eyeing... even similar models of the same make may sound very different from each other, so if u're lucky, u can actuall get a $600 thats sounds like a $1k++ guitar :)
to strats: 900++?! ohhh... *shivers and shudders* not for a first guitar tho.. =D

to shredcow: hmm.. i agree.. i checked sweelee's webby. cun find. or maybe i shud just go check in person.. =) thanks!!

to strats: ermm.. sterep system.?? =D i dun tink i have one. haha!! nvm den..=) ty. ohh. wait. u mean stereo system.? lols..

to madwerewolfboy: hmm.. many have been recommending the vox pathfinder. any idea how much it costs ard.? =) but electric guitars.. mostly play rock/ metal stuff right.? so the overdrive cannot be used.? ><
i get wad u mean by not gatting guitars below 400.. but for a first guitar.. no nid so good one right.? i wont noe how to use every function anyways.. and its bound to change. =D i dont tink i can afford 600-1k leh..
ermm.. how bout a guitar which originally costs $680, but becomes $400 after a big discount?? hehehe.. *drooling over the Ibanez RG 321.* SRY!!!

does the cables come together with the guitar, or do we have to get it separately.? (counting my costs. =))

and issit okay to just buy the guitar, amps and the strap first.??
or are the other gears a must must for first timers.??
yes stereo sorry for the typo.. well if you have the budget of couse its good to get the guitar together with the amp, especially if you're jsut starting to play..

good guitar+crappy amp=bad sound
crappy guitar+good amp=average sound
good guitar+good amp=divine

its important to get a good practice amp cause if you sound bad, most likely you won't wanna play... most of the time you have to get the strap
,bag and cable separately
theblueark said:
The Yamaha Pacifica's are pretty damn good for their price. Somemore alder body. I would reccomend one with a Vintage style trem, so if you ever find you want a trem, it's there. And if you find you don't want the hassle of a trem, you can add more springs/tighten up at the back to keep the trem permanently on the body. Very versatile guitars, usually with 1 humbucker and 2 singles. The humbucker is even split on position 4 if i'm not wrong.

Don't know why people hardly ever talk about Yamaha guitars here. You walk around singapore look at those cool uncle buskers (Orchard, Tampines, Boon Lay...) they usually using Yamaha pacifacas.

HEi Blueark.. Have you try the Yamaha Pacifica 412?? Is it good?? I am saving to buy it lor.. What's your opinion about the Pacifica 412 huh?? 8)
to strats: ohh thanks!!! ermmss... cables dont affect the sound produced by the guitar in any way right.? so in all i should hit about $600++ for everything...

that is lyk 100 bucks more then my budget, but i guess its cool.. WHOOTS~!!!!
ok wait.. i should check the price of the amps first.. =DDDDDD

thanks ppl!!! yall ROCK!!! lols.. =D

anyways.. if anyone has different or other opinions or views.. feel free to voice them out.. its always good to hear from more pros right.? =D

haha. thanks anyways.