Advice on guitars for starters


New member
hi all,
i'm gonna be learning the electric guitar, probably from yamaha, and i need advice on which guitar to buy.. my budget is ard $500+

i've been thinking of getting an Ibanez jumpstart GRG270, but i read in another thread that it is not advisable.. i really lyk the ibanez models..
but is there any other guitars dat i should take into consideration.?

i am hoping to buy my electric guitar from the swee lee ibanez sales..
i hear that they have one every end of the year.?

pls advice me. i self-taught myself the basic chords.. but i noe nuts about wad chord progression or tabbing or wadever theory.. is there also, any more that i can self teach myself.?

comments, advices, recommendations are all very appreciated. =D
theory u have to get a teacher to teach u...

wait for the sweelee sale, think it's arnd in dec, probably close to christmas

but u have to get a guitar and an amp also so if that's around ur budget...
the jumpstart pack comes with amps and everything.. but i tink you once mentioned in another post that it is better to consider others.? haha.. Ibanez is my all time fave la.. but i heard that they have up to 50% discount during the sale right.? so i would be able to get my guitar cheap.?

but it maybe quite a while before i would be able to get another guitar.. so i do not really want to make a wrong decision for my first.. future regrets.. =D

the reviews on les pauls, gibsons and epiphones really make me scared la..
haha.. and is there a diff between the sound created by guitars that have single coil pick ups and guitars that have humbucking pick ups.?
flyed, there's many many things to consider.

First, you got to have a decent axe if you are serious on playing guitar.

Then you need a decent amp.

Now, the above 2 is a balancing act. Either of them sounds bad, you sound bad.

I can recommend you a low priced amp that works great for recording and home practice. Check out the Roland Microcube. Its abt $157 at Swee Lee after discount. Its got a load of amp models so you have access to many different sounds.
On the other hand, its small, loud enough for your room, thats it. It doesn't have a 3 band (bass, mid, treble) eq, only a tone knob, but well, not all things are perfect aye? And the tone knob actually does a pretty nice job.

For the guitar, you might want to consider saving up a bit. Check out the RG321MH for a hassle free fixed bridge guitar. For tremolo guitars, please, do your research thoroughly on them before deciding.

Humbuckers sound fatter and are usually warmer. Single coils have this twang to their tone, usually thinner sounding and bright. As for which is quieter and the issue of single coil humming, good grounding/shielding will eliminate the hum of a single coil a lot.

In all things, i understand you are a newbie and you want your answers fast. On the contary, bid your time, and listen/read as much as possible. Do searches on ibanez guitars, starter guitars and so on, on this forum. Go slow and make sure you don't end up with an impulse buy.
guitars with single coils sound thinner and more twangy (think fender strat) while those with humbuckers are warmer and distortion oriented (think gibby les paul) however there are in betweens such as p90s and of coz single coil sized humbuckers which can fit into the single coil pup cavity.. then comes in the option of coil splitting which turns a humbucker into something like a single coil :wink: really depends on your style actualli. so humbuckers generally for rock/metal and maybe jazz and single coils for country/blues/soft rock

oh and one more thing. single coils are generally noise and feedback prone while humbuckers are much more silent. =D hope all these info doesnt confuse you!
almondx said:
lol shredcow you juz made my post redundant by posting juz before i did :evil:

not really lahz.. he touch on the general.. u were more in dept in the pickups.. and i learnt a thing or 2 from it.. :)

tink flyed shld take his time wait for the sale.. yahama will provide u guitars when u learn from them.. juz that u can't practise at home.. can always air guitar.. :lol:
Swee Lee sells the SA160QM...i might buy the SA260FM from Luthers though...i also intend to get a Vox Pathfinder 15R...i already have a teacher...well most music schools provide you with their guitars, if you're waiting for your electric one, why not start with an acoustic one, get one less than 100bux and just use it for practicing basic stuff like scales till you can get your electric one!
the SA260FM and SA160QM both have single single humbucker(SSH) pickups so you can switch them around, beats getting a strat and les paul...oh wells, ibanez is always value for money!
indeed. or maybe take a look at cort. there have pretty good models with not-so-beginner pickups and such, i believe. and they arent that pricey either. take a look at cort's katana series, should be even cheaper after sweelee sale's discount.
The Yamaha Pacifica's are pretty damn good for their price. Somemore alder body. I would reccomend one with a Vintage style trem, so if you ever find you want a trem, it's there. And if you find you don't want the hassle of a trem, you can add more springs/tighten up at the back to keep the trem permanently on the body. Very versatile guitars, usually with 1 humbucker and 2 singles. The humbucker is even split on position 4 if i'm not wrong.

Don't know why people hardly ever talk about Yamaha guitars here. You walk around singapore look at those cool uncle buskers (Orchard, Tampines, Boon Lay...) they usually using Yamaha pacifacas.
Get a cube 30 or 15 if you know you're gonna leave it at home. The clean channel is really good!


ShredCow said:
home practice. Check out the Roland Microcube. Its abt $157 at Swee Lee after discount. Its got a load of amp models so you have access to many different sounds.
ibanez yup gd... quite versatile but the starter pack wan better not...
just get a gd wan. yup swee lee sale ard 400 can get gd ones....
for the amp just save a lil and get a marshall. 240 at davis...
as for pedals gfx are preety gd and cheap too....
if wan consider others maeb can get epiphone.... swee lee sale oso cheap...

:supz: :rock: :prayer: :supz: :smt059
to shredcow: thanks.. i have been looking at the RG321 as well, at one of the other reviews done by subversion.. haha. btw, i heard yur funky jam and others.. really cool. =D ohh. i am serious abt learning guitar too. =D

to almondx: surprise surprise!! i understood! >< lol.. i actually noe quite abit on guitar theory.. but not so much on the practical.. haha.
and every bit of info yall gave just adds to my knowledge yeah.? none of it is redundant.. =)

to Nefianz: yeah.. i can wait.. i hear that the yamaha practice amps are crap.? lols.. and btw, flyed is a she.. X)

to Flying_V: i have been drooling for an electric guitar for aloonnnggg time ahh.. i tink the latest i can wait is lyk till the yr end sale.? but i do have classical guitars at home.. maybe i can practice on that for the time being. =)

to fruitwine: wads cort.? hehe. i AM a noob. =pPp

to theblueark: i shall take that into consideration. =)

to lppier: oops. sry i fergot where i saw the roland cube from.. mind linking.? >< ermms.. dere are other amps that i saw.. mostly peavey, ibanez and laney.. wad do yall tink of them.? any good ones.?

*check them out*

to shibby: ok thanks.. =)

SRY for this very long posts.. cos i reply everyone at the same time.. ><
hope yall dun mind.. but i'm really excited.. =D i asked beez (yamaha) abt learning elec guitars at my age.. he say can.. but must learn as much as i can.. he oso say hols hab this intensive course.? if anyone noes wad i'm tokking abt.. X)
haha. i tink he rocks larr... played ard with my classical guitar.. help me change strings.. help me tune.. and demoed elec guitar.. jammed ard abit.. lyk WOAH. haha.
haha hey flyed ur enthusiasm realli shows in all ur posts arh! sure will take you very far in guitar wan! keep it up and go rock =)
Almost all the commercially available 15 watt SS amps today are crap.

Marshall cdr, crap.
Fender frontman, total crap.
Peavey, crap.
Laney, crap.
Ibanez, crap.

The old Marshalls, the VS series was quite good. Someone was selling on luther's classfieds a while ago for $120, was damn tempted.

For a practice amp, I reccomend the following:
Roland Micro cube
Vox Pathfinder 15R

The Vox Pathfinder is the warmest sounding 15W amp around in shops today. Micro cube is not bad, and an added advantage for beginners is that you get to try out different amp sounds with the modelling technology. I think the Micro cube is not 15W but is loud enough for home practice. If I also remember, it actually sounds better than the cube 15.

Best advice I can give is to get someone more experienced to go with you and help you test out and show you everything you wanna know. I'm sure many people here would be willing and it's always fun to go gear shopping. If in the end you can't get any friends to go let me know, I'd be glad to show and let you hear why I believe all of what I have stated by going with you to Swee Lee/Davis/Luther to test out all of them.
Hey blueark.. .the microcube has more amp models than the cube 15... but it doesn't sound as good on higher volumes due to the small speaker size.