A Step Closer To ShredCow's Dream For Playing For Daphne...

Hey How Do You Always Type Like This, Is It A Special Programme?

Installed On PC Or In Your Brain.

This Is Damn Hard To Do, And Looks So Damn Irritating
Hey How Do You Always Type Like This, Is It A Special Programme?

Installed On PC Or In Your Brain.

This Is Damn Hard To Do, And Looks So Damn Irritating

OH YeaH, I AgreE With PhantO ThiS IS AbsolutelY PissinG OfF

re_unknown, while I understand that your typing style is the result of a bad habit, perhaps you could look back and try and understand why people feel uncomfortable with it. :idea:

After all this is a public forum, and it would definitely be to your advantage if you could refrain from giving in to your bad habit. Yes, I have to admit myself that it is rather irritating, but I hope you understand that people would have a hard time taking you seriously if you intend to continue typing in that fashion. :?

Just friendly advice yeah? :wink:
cmon guys, guess we do not have to diss him in anyway yeah? we can just tell him nicely like what crawldaddy here did.

no harm intended. its just confusing cuz caps supposed to show stress and importance.

When we read posts, we read them in our minds. Seems like some guy shouting and stressing every word.

Okay, so how do I go about it?

I need a genre change. I mean, my USACG is meant to Pop-out!!!

Can we have a unified, concentrated SOFT effort to hook me up to play for her?

I'll sacrifice 4000 post counts!!! I'll do it for Daffy!

As in, I'll do it to play for Daffy. :oops:

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