A Step Closer To ShredCow's Dream For Playing For Daphne...



Hey! She can sing, dance and ACT!

haha.. are you sure your dahling daffy can act? :P

Okok final word: I like both, but I like Fiona better because she has more mojo (singing, acting), oomph (hehehe, tempted to insert wet t-shirt comment here) and cute-factor. :lol:
Ive seen the word 'Mojo' being used on guitar pedals (MIJ Ds-1s!!!), amps, guitars, Shredcow's post count, and now GIRLS!!

What exactly does it mean leh?
MY post count is MOJO? 8O


I'm going to carve my post count into my picking hand's wrist... I should play better then!

Dude, mojo cannot be defined. To understand, you need to watch Austin Powers 1, but note, context matters.

Anyway, what MrMisse?! This thread is serious! When I'm on stage with Daphne then you all will know ah.
sorry blame it on my low intellectual level, cos i don't quite understand this post.

shredcow, is that your dream to play for daphne khoo? and play for means? do u mean perform with her, or record? i didn't know she's performing anywhere currently.
or do u actually have naughty thoughts of playing other things for her? :lol: :twisted:

and let's just assume she DOES perform regularly, or have plans to do it soon. just why would one craves to play for someone like daphne khoo so much, and not bigger and more established names like hady mirza, stephanie sun who does have her concerts (and they r big scale ones!!!)?

is it cos u have a certain liking, or perhaps fetish for her?
well, i don't know. but if that is so and if i am in your shoes, i would rather go by the right channel and chase her like a man.
juju, this is a fun thread. :D

Trust me (at least try to lah), no liking or fetish, I simply wouldn't mind playing for her. Nothing naughty too, that is why, its play FOR her and not play WITH her. :D

Anyway, I'm not working towards landing a guitarist role with any of the bigger names around... like they want me, hahaha... I'll turn their songs into... I dunno, weird wank sessions. Or as Edo83 put it, "Dude, play BLUES! Not Alien Love Sex....&*#()! "
shredcow, aim higher lah...go for real talents, like madonna or the gal from ace of base

Me no like Madonna, with her dance-y dance-y tracks... if she would let me do chugga chugga dance metal, maybe wor~~~

Ace of Base? Sounds old! Seriously?!
but if that is so and if i am in your shoes, i would rather go by the right channel and chase her like a man.

sometimes a man has to carry flowers and their handbags or construct a wimpy origami nonsensical bird just to "chase" the gal....

This way is the real way of rock.

"I play guitar for you how?"