a question


btw, what equipment broke? which part of it? that they demanded you to pay the full cost of that equipment? And what kind of full cost you talking about? the cost of a brand new one? or, the cost of a used one?

can't really follow you, because all these details were missing.
yea it sucks ass
i used 2 jam at upper serangoon road
n tt uncle there is a pain in da arse
once we went there
den i bought a drink from tt uncle
went into da jamming room
opened up da can
gas came out n i spoil like a few DROPS on da floor in da room
he came in 2 room
n scolded all da vulgars at me
wad a dick man...
n da way he toks...piss me off
seriously uneducated...
every sentence he said..theres a vulgar in it

n broken equipment...he just quote wadever prices he wans
example..the tip of the drumstick is broken...
sumtimes a dollar...sumtimes its 2
microphone...10..sumtimes 20..
microphone stand...10...sumtimes 15...

i wouldnt recommand guys 2 jam there...
ArcWelder: True no kidding. But I shall mention no names though.

But sometime we really have to look at two side of the coin, organizing a gig, operating a jamming studio might really have their good share of not so good 'evil' musician that sometime over blast the amps, over 'hit' the equipment. Lets be understanding and SPREAD L-O-V-E.

hey remy... is that wee lee? haha yeah... must be all the st gabs guys go there scold the uncle until he pek cek thats y he liddat today... that guy very vulgar... haha

anyway, holding ic for this kind of thing is actually not really right... they should have some proper signing of agreements thingy instead. the rules should be clearly spelt out in the agreement and the particulars and signature of the user/s should be taken down on the agreement. its more proper but i guess it'll be more of a hassel thats y ppl prefer to hold ic...

but it is an offence though
Yeah .... peace out man ..

But I do notice couple of Jam studio having double ... or even triple standards when dealing with patrons ....

Errm ... sorry to divert from ur topic ah tread-starter ...
my 2 cents, don't jam at wee lee if u guys think they aren't the ideal place for you to jam.

and to thread-starter, thanks for brining this matter up, i usually place my ic to anyone if they demanded it. and from other softies who posted about this matter, my thanks to u all for giving me this lesson. i'd never give my ic to anyone else, unless it's the airport police, or the police... since i need a pass to go in the restricted area, i need surrender ic..
liqnitro: ur experience sounds familiar :lol:

i guess we treat this stuff as lesson learnt and if the operators' policies don't sit well with u..don't go back la.
its actually a 16" crash cymbal..with juz a tiny weenniee...crack u kknw..nt the whole thing crack..and its actually i gt to pay the full cost of a new one..nt the full cost of a broken one...

yea i guess..ppl...we shld learn from all tis lah...nvr to surrender ur I/C no matter wat...and abt paying full cost and stuffs...its juz so unfair lah if u r nt the only band who played and u didnt even play hardcore...

so we shall learn from each other...i was juz asking ard whether is it rite or wrong abt tis I/C stuff...

dun ever be fool of all tis con..they juz wanna trick u of ur money...who knows before that its already crack yet they keep quiet...but when's ur turn..they say it cracks and will nvr return ur I/C unless u pay..
Rossie: I've did it once, and later the organizer didn't want to give it back without any payments yadda yadda yadda. I stood my ground, and said I would walk out of here and report it to the police of them stealling my IC. Guess what? They gave me back.

thaaats right. if them organisers are a bunch of people thats what they should be told.

if its a venue, perhaps it'll be a little trickier. the IC was given voluntarily, under some sort of agreement between the two. perhaps, yes, its not legal to be holding on to someone else's IC but you practically handed it out to them because you want to play.

Going to the police is the right thing to do, and if you have no pressing need for it at the moment, please do. Because it'll take you 6 mths to a year to get it back, with pending investigations and all that. that is, IF it goes thru an investigation. if you call the police and they come, the matter will be resolved right there. The police will, however try to make a deal between the both parties involved, just to be fair. Something was broken, someone has to pay for it. But to slap charges against someplace for holding your IC is very tricky business.

I really have to check if its legal to do that, because it happens at all the pool places. Perhaps a valid arguement was that your age had to be verified. Gas Haus is, a club/pub after all.

Bottomline is, dont hand out your IC. If they lose it, what are you gonna do? They can say they never took it, and you had no proof. They'd just lose some reputation thru your small circles. And you have to pay for that IC. If you really have to hand out something, give an EZ-link, perhaps. Claim you already lost your IC.

And if they're asking you to pay for it, and all the negotiations fall thru and you are too lazy to call the police, just get a new IC. It will cost less than a $150 cymbal, and if you do manage to get back the 'lost' IC, you'd have two ICs. Which is illegal, too, but hey. Who's gonna find out? =D
i know its an agreement btwn the 2 of us..but it was like..when u going to perform..then they say..hand over ur I/C before u play..u know like a shocking thing...u r already nervous to be on stage..yet tis guy came to u and demand ur I/C..

but watever it is..i've learn..learn and learn more abt gigs and performance...

why pay them the cost of a new cymbal? you may wanna:
1) get a used one (same brand & cymbal / diff brand but equivalent) to replace their cracked one.
2) take back the cracked one from them.
(for all you know, what if they put up the cracked one on stage again? who's next to get it?)

btw, have you already paid them? If so, just put even more details here:
ok, 16" crash, what brand? what series? how much you paid them? I'm interested to find out how they handle such details.

for the IC matter, why can't they just copy down the band's IC numbers, by just verifying the IC, and NOT holding on to the IC. Anyone ever rented a bicycle from the East Coast bike rental shops?
i feel that all equipment has got to break some day. So its really unfair to make the person who last used it pay the full cost. Perhaps a fraction, especially for cymbals which get bashed over n over again, drummer after drummer. If u finally crack it while playing normally(not crazy and rough), then are u all to blame? The cymbal was about to give way already and u were just unlucky to administer the final blow that broke it. By operating with such rules, u realise that the equipment provider will never ever have to fork out anything for equipment maintenence! He just has to accuse the person who "last touched" the equipment of causing it to go cranky and then that person pays for the maintenence fees which the provider should have been paying for in the first place!

For example i jammed at wee lee n used their guitar. The strings were rusty, after playing for awhile, a string broke. Fact is, i dont have sweaty palms, so i've never experienced real brown, pimply rust on my own guitar strings before, ever. Under normal use, a string not weakened by rust wouldnt give way. I mean the most extreme i did was a 2 fret bend, nothing more, no crazy nirvana high on drugs bends or anything. Yet i was made to pay for the broken rusty string. And it cost an astounding $2. How could a cheap single string cost that much? I don't know.
to mr sqoobs..

first of all i gt no choice but to pay as they r holding on to my I/C..i had to fork out my money..(imagine if i was student..where do i get money from??)

2ndly it was a 16" crash cymbal brand paiste..and the crack was juz a tiny..weeniiee...bit...reli small unless u touch it then u feel the crack..

after i paid for $140..i gt to know they r using a crack cymbal as well..so wat the hell?? they say they gt no more of a new cymbal...yea they gaf me that crack cymbal since i pay for it...its like as if i'm buying it..

they copied down our I/C numbers..all my band members details..but then they nvr wrote there that they would hold on to the drummer's I/C before playing...they had our I/C numbers...as well as my I/C..
Anyway, equipment rental companies got to realize that the business that they do involves certain risk, including equipments damaged by users.

and 80% of cust. will be kids !!!
Studio's... put up or pack up !!!
Although this is irrelevent, I assume most rental studios do not incline to purchase top of the line equipment for customers. BOY, was I wrong.

I was in KL a few months ago, and caught wind of a jamming studio that charges RM30 per hour, but the equipments are all high-end stuff.
Hartke/SWR bass amp (according to my bassist, high end stuff), Marshall JCM series guitar amp (half stacks), forgot what keyboard amp, but the keyboards are KORG TRITON EXTREME/TR, and the drums are DW, and other high end gears. All for RM30 per hour! It's also a recording studio too by the way. The owner put his trust and faith in his customers, and the customers normally returns the gesture.

I would definately drop by there again when I'm in the area. And I highly recommend them.
I don't think people dare to whack the $10k DW too hard though. lol...

But seriously, I've seen drummers that are just down right brutal. Hits the drums so damn hard. I guess that's his "style".
They are just bullying you all thats all.Why be a victim of their nonsense? we all know what kind of music goes on in Gas Haus. Even people at Bugis knows~ haha..
But seriously,dont hunger for it la.Not worth your while,not worth anything.The money you gave can buy you a pedal or your guitarist a Zoom. If i am there playing speed metal,i will not differentiate between a local or a caucasian man.
ooookaay. i have consulted the relevant authorities, and here is the law.

nobody can retain another person's IC, for whatever reason. if its a prerequisite to play, then by all means, do so. However, if at the end of it, he refuses to return the IC, call the police.

The only thing the owner can do is to take down the particulars, and if theres anything that needs to be claimed from the other party, they need to file a complaint at the Small Claims Tribunal. like broken cymbals.

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