a dumb comparison

haha you don't know anything about me.
If you have such a strong idea of how drums should and should not be played, then please share with others at the next Drum Exchange. We would love to hear from you at that platform.
Talking down to others in a forum has no effect other than to turn pple off. I'm sure with your years, you have the wisdom to understand that. Some of ur posts remind me of the old "Lim Peh Ka Li Kong" comic strip.
I think everyone here would much rather see your passion and conviction channeled into something positive instead of negative. I'm sure you have lots to share.

So will you take up the challenge?
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*read this post with the voice of Yoda...*

To be honest Blofeld, you remind me of those old ah peks at coffee shops always saying stuff like "Young children nowadays...<insert nags here>" .Haha.

I understand you are really wise and great and all...you earned my respect for that...

...But here is a videos to make you rethink your comment about metal:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieRFnlcsZ0g < Dream Theater Live at Budokan performing their instrumedley.

and as much as I love that...I love this too:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxaYVVge60o < Miles Davis - No Blues

Music is beautiful. It doesn't matter how old we are to appreciate it or not.

Not very nice to generalise by calling "you youngsters" all the time. Nope we don't know it all. Then again, who does!? Not nice to put down the DXS either. I'm sure you hurt quite alot of people with your "drum wannabe" statement. But heck...at least these people WANT to be something/someone...don't tell me you weren't like that once before? Were you always old and wise? Doubt you'd like to be called a has-been.

I shall end it here. Really...this arguement has gone too long. The irony is, neither the "youngsters" or the "old farts" want to back down. I'm not too sure if either side is more matured then the other.

My one and only post here ( yeah you can shoot me back like a minigun from the vietnam war ...doesn't matter as long as you're happy )...with that...

...May the force be with you!
was there some arguement during my absennce from this thread? @.@

c'mon guys, i started this thread to discuss! we're all fellow musicians. lets not bicker alright. cheers cheers~
Please.eeeeeeeeeee don’t challenge a fellow forumer here out-rightly : - wanna challenge each other “take part in the Drum-Challenge at Singapore DrumFest” - - in a friendly manner …… Exchange & Sharing is what we all do here….Let’s keep it healthy for everyone.

Soft’s DXS and it’s members comes from all walks of life, of all ages, as long as they have a Passion in Drumming…..but they all have one thing in common “SHARING THE DRUMMING PASSION”……This incorporate The MUSIC, Drum Battles, Drooling, Sharing, Talking over anything pertaining to Drums & Drummings eg Cymbals, Equipments & Gears…anything - - - - as long as Drummers find it FUN, most importantly they enjoy the company of one another and altogether in this Social Activitity – we call DXS, and Soft is the Home.

There is nothing wrong for anyone, any schools, any Music Shops, even any Organisers to promote or disseminate info about their activity here as long as it pertains to Music ….. for these people how frequently they patronizing Soft has really nothing to do with their sincerity and contribution here and what Ethics are you talking about Frank, please don’t says things like these….have a Bigger Heart lah.

AND just a reminder to everyone.:- Beside NO FRAMMING


What is a troll? It's a person who posts something which is bound to stir people up and then sits back and watches as dozens of people jump in and start arguing. Sometimes trolls get their friends to join in or post under different names. Generally they will do anything it takes to get attention.

Trolling is further considered one of two things. Either continual running a topic into the ground incessantly, or dragging up old arguments against a specific user/group/ect. long after they're appropriate discussion and targeting them specifically in arguments needlessly. Trolling is the first step towards outright harassment of other members. This is the single biggest no-no in the community. Letting every argument drop isn't always a possibility, but learning when to let things go is a valuable tool, and not just in this community

Kindly Make My Life & Everyone's Life Here ... More Easier ! Thank You.
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ok fugggggggg i shall withdraw my post since i don't want eric to have a hard time either.
but i'll have to say this, just because one has experience and age, doesn't mean he can question the younger generation of drummers and be arrogant (much as someone wants to deny but, you are being arrogant with the excuse of having a sharp toungue.)
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Whatever.rr ..............I say "Let's Move On" with the Topic in a friendly discussion. No point picking on anyones words here as can be envisage, there will be no end to this as we know where this will be moving, and when things gets really worst and out of hands - This Thread will be either Deleted or Locked.

Let's be a little fair here I say...The way I see it, Frank was agitated and that was the reasons why he had put words in this manner and I'm not saying he is right here neither are some of you (the facts is - ask ourself sincerely - He had and he did tried hard exercising greatest care in all his current posting - this I appreciate, knowing him and for those who knows him well enough here)...but at last, we all too have to understand - he is still human at the end of the day....so why push it this far?

Everyone, let this rest and stop here...move on with the Topic...be nice ok...

Afterall it's just a friendly discussion...
ya loh...afterall, i already said it was a dumb comparison and i just wanted opinions. not flames and angry words.

i really AM surprised for this much replies. because i thought it was just a minor thread.

anyway, i prefer alfes idea. jazz fused with rock. haha!
Uh-ohh...heres come da Forum Police !!

Err..honestly officer...no challenge..no fight lah. just a spirited discussion between civilised people...bo tai chee leh !

What's the matter..egos and psyches so fragile here that any form of disgreement is verboten? So just talk about sticking techniques...new gear...awesome drummers eh ?

OK lor..maybe this forum is not for hardcore adults after all... PG rated.

Better tell your kids behave and not throw stones at this uncle ..otherwise they sure to get a earful OK.

Now let's all join hands and sing hymns OK?

You were getting my opinions.

Where got flames and angry words?

You have no idea what angry words and flaming is, dear boy !!

Hey..actually your comments wasn't dumb at all...they were brilliant !

Look at the outpouring of ideas and emotions it generated.

This is what the forum needs..not chronic mutual back scratching.

Thank you for switching on the light of discussion.
Whahahahaha ! ...Hey Uncle, don't talk like that, wait all the Kids including myself (a kid in the heart) start throwing stones at you, with so many of us and honestly you're a huge Target - that one would not miss - You will be stone to death lah....Kekekekeke ! ... Don't-Know-Die.

Yah let's join hands and sing.....Frank honestly I've never heard you sing before? I'm sure you can sing, but I doubt it will sound good...Hahahahaha !.
Thanks for your thoughts. But when you post something please don't say it is your one and only post and you will not entertain any rebuttal....like that where got fun? Now I will attend to your points one by one...

1. I may be older but not quite Ah Pek yet..certainly I do not sit in coffee shop and scold little kids. Much as I was young and cocky once, you have to realise that you will all be old and hopefully wiser like me.. the fact that I bother to engage you shows that I do care, even though you may not agree with my ideas or method.

2. I do not consider myself wise and great in the way you put it. And I do not demand your respect... I have always earned my way.

3. Great Music. The Dream Theater stuff is not metal as I would categorise it. It may be rock fusion..or whatever..but it ain't metal. But what the heck, it was clever stuff..very impressive so what are we arguing about? A genre definition?

4. Music is a human blessing. There is only good music and bad music....and even then, it's still a subjective issue.

5. I thought the term youngsters would be flattering since many of you are already in your late 20s and early 30s...it's a generic description and not meant to be derogatory. If you called me a youngster I won't be able to sleep tonight...but you would probably refer to me as an old fart. I don't mind...what's in a word?

6. Someone queried me why I don't come to the DXS and I replied as honestly as I could... that's why I am not motivated to come. I am not putting people down for wanting to be drummers....I am only questioning and purpose and efficacy of DXS formats...maybe I should start another thread on why I am not impressed by your DXS.

7. As for drum hero wannabes...I pull no punches. I see many drum hero wannabes at the DXS...I hope they will not be too disappointed if they do not succeed. Hey..I was a failed drum hero wannabe too...I became a businessman and made a lot of money. Now I can afford any drumset I want and go abroad for drum tuition from the best..but do I do that...nnaaahh!!

8. Don't call me a has-been...it's gramatically incorrect. I "have-been".

9. Heck this debate only just started. It's not a question of who is willing to back down..but who runs out of hot air first..hahaha !!

Ho ho ho...I welcome the rocks and the stones. They are therapeutic for me..like a massage chair !! Judging from the quality of the stone throwers so far, I know I have little to worry about. C'mon..where are your "heavyweights"? Let's ROCK and stones !!

You will probably never hear me sing unless you want to pay for the XO Brandy and the hostess tips...you donno Uncle was and still is one of the Karaoke legends? They say my rendition of My Way is better than that other Frank !! ;-)

Yo Eric...point of order please....

I was not "agitated"...it is my measured and civilised way to respond to a challenge from a young upstart who tried to bite the hand extended in friendship.

There's no anger nor rancour here....if you have difficulty with my vocabulary I suggest you check with your Thesaurus before you get the wrong message.

No point trying to put out a fire that isn't there...you only get the whole place wet !!
its not our Xchange, its YOURS too !!! (if u want to)

just let me know and i'll be more than happy to give you time to present something for the kids, be it a lecture or a lesson on jazz music... ;)

Hi Alfie,

I presume you were posting to me.

I don't know about the exchange but I am a member of this forum, and I would think I am doing my 2 cents worth here provoking people to think about things and expressing themselves.

Ours is not a perfect world, be it just drumming or any peripheral issues related to drumming and music. I try to adopt a holistic view and not focus on the obvious. Therefore you are unlikely to catch me talking about stroking techniques or fancy licks...not because I do not think those are important but because that's one of the typical topics drummers want to hear about and get fixated on.

But it does seem to me that most people here like to follow the path of least resistance, and have a tendency not to confront issues that may rock the status quo.

Eric did mention something about people wanting to throw stones (rocks?) at me for my outspokeness..maybe I better stick to the forum and take my chances with the cyber rocks. :-)
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no worries, i'll catch the rocks and put them in a bag. james will help me.

now i remember some years ago, u kindly volunteered to do a jazz workshop for the previous xchange group - singapore drummer circle (SDC) at your house.

the participants included our dr. slamfunk and prakash (ohfunk) and everyone was grateful for your providing of venue, time, effort and refreshments to help educate and raise the music IQ of drummers.

more recently, i know bruce, our chicago drummer friend came over and you did host him to dinner at your home as well.

i think many of this crazy swashbuckling is due to not being able to put the person to the nick.

well, i may be small-sized but i will personally guarantee ur safety (but not mine! ha)

will keep u posted if we're organising one soon (trying to get wen too)

Hahaha ...first thing to know is never to take me too seriously when I do my Clint Eastwood talk..or say something that makes your hair stand.... otherwise I gotcha !

Seriously though I am not worried about my safety... I normally move around with 2 bodyguards.

I am already running a weekly jazz jam session where drummers get the chance to actually jump off the deep end and play with other jazz musos. If there is sufficient interest I can organise a jazz drumming workshop 3 hours before the jam starts (say 11 am) - this is Sunday @ tanglin CC Underground studio (seats 20 people comfortably excl players) I can invite Boon Gee, Louis and Wen and such to show and tell...but participants must realise that jazz drumming cannot be all about drumming and drum talk. Without the context to the music it is pointless. That's why DXS members wanting to get into it must do some homework and catch up on their listening.

Anyway, it's a possibilty. Don't say I never offer ah !
well theres no denying that music will definetly be a plus when it comes to drumming, right? even i prefer to drum with music rather than just a plain solo...
Music can exist without drums...but can drums exist without music?

Ever heard of any drummer making a platinum record of drum solos only?

Has any drummer filled a stadium doing just drum solos?

This has been my message to drummers who let their self importance outweigh thelr mission in the music.
...but participants must realise that jazz drumming cannot be all about drumming and drum talk. Without the context to the music it is pointless. That's why DXS members wanting to get into it must do some homework and catch up on their listening.

Anyway, it's a possibilty. Don't say I never offer ah !

Jazz Drumming can be about Drumming & Drum-Talks, like what (Audrey & Boon Gee) had ever done for DXS….but yes – they did do it with some Context to the Music of course….

So Frank, you do it for us also lah “Jazz Drumming, Drum Talks with and without The Context Of Music…that would be fun and educational..

Aiyah no need what Homework and catching up with listening – because many of the Drummers here are probably 1st time into Jazz, so you must and have to do some Jazz Drum Talk & Drumming then Jazz Drumming with the Context Of Music….

See … now don’t say no one invite you…. DXS would love to have you share Jazz Drumming with us….so when har Frank ???????

PS:- Alfe (our Chairman) and Committee/Members Of DXS – We have waited bery bery long for this offer from Frank liao hor? - - - - - Hehehehehe……so happy...Ther Day Had Finally Come.....We 'll all be there...bery good

We're all bery Cultured People like ... Jazz so we don't stone people. we only ???? People.Hahahaha.
I can smell bait from afar....but I will nibble without swallowing.

I have said many times before and certainly during the past week of hot air here...that I am really not into drums without the music. A drummer, no matter how good he/she is technically, is useless unless he/she can apply what they know to the music. In my humble opinion, jazz drumming is certainly more about the music than about blind technique. That's why a lot of the younger drummers find it hard to play jazz even though they possess some technical facility...because they have no appreciation or understanding of jazz theory and structure.

I can talk till the cows come home on this subject but I would be wasting my time here if everyone has the same attitude as Eric... no offence meant.

You can ask Audrey or Boon Gee whether one can play jazz without knowing the music ?

That's why I am reluctant about doing such a workshop at DXS....where most if not all will tell me that "Seven Steps To Heaven" is a passage from the Bible... or that Ornithology has completely different changes from "How High The Moon".

But I am sure everyone wants to learn about one-handed rolls and polyrhythmic independence !

As I said, my offer is conditional on doing it at my Jam venue where participants will get the chance to mix it up with some die hard jazz musos. Only then can they appreciate that it's not only about drumming.